
Biting 8 month old?

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My baby has just gotten her first 2 teeth in at the bottom. For some reason or another when I am sitting there minding my own business she will just roll up on me and bite me for no apparent reason I am sure she is not doing it to intentionally inflect pain but it does what should I do to stop it




  1. She is most likely chomping down because she's trying to cut those two teeth in all the way or perhaps she may have more on the way.  Babies love to explore and they do most of their exploring at that age by tasting things.  When she does this pull her away and look her in the eye and gently but firmly say "Ow, that hurts!"  Let her know that is not a pleasing thing to do, but don't be harsh; she is just  8 months old and doesn't know better.  

    Then redirect her to something she can chew on, such as a teething ring that has been chilled in the refrigerator or a firm but plush toy.  Redirecting her and voicing your displeasure with her action will begin to teach her.  Like I said before when you voice that it hurts you don't have to over dramatize or get upset, but be firm in your tone.

  2. give her something to chew on like a teething ring or a wet wash cloth and don't make a big deal of it when she does it just say "ouch, no no" and then give her the teething toy right away.

  3. awww she,s only 8 months  she,s just saying look how clever i am mum ... that's how they tell you Hun its normal bless her

  4. I had this same problem with my son. I asked my pediatrician, and she said that whenever the baby bites onto your skin to gentle push down their face into wherever they are biting that way their nose is obstructed and will let go on their own.

  5. Get her a teething toy that will help her. children when they are teething tend to bite around on stuff.

  6. they need to use their teeth or else they dont grow right, so give them a teething toy, or just something they can chew on and the problem will eventually go away.  remember, its just a phase they have to go through

  7. What I did with my son is say in a stern voice, "No bite, kiss!" and within a few weeks it was easy to deter him from chomping down on me.  They will stop when you say that and turn the chomping into a kiss.
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