
Bizarre Hypothetical Questions Night?

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There are two questions on the board. "Women, what if the oil dried up? You'd need men then, right?" and "Women, what if an asteroid hit the earth and there was no technology? You'd be submissive to men then, right?"

What this says to me is that a some of the objection to feminism or the life of modern women is that we just don't "need" men for survival anymore. Instead, we can choose our mates based on their attributes as human beings and potential partners.





  1. Had  you read it right you would have seen nothing about submitting to men was ever mentioned.  All he asked was how would we survive without the aide of men, thats all; nothing more and nothing less.

  2. i agree.

    those questions sure look like some boys/men don't think they can get a woman when  there is an equal playing field, or even anywhere close to an equal playing field.

    which makes me wonder if those particular boys/men would do any better in a caveman society than they are doing now.

  3. Or that some women have become spoilt and ungrateful and can be abusive knowing full well they can opt out of relationships and always have financial support from some source such as the state.

  4. I think you really may have something there.  Some men seem terrified that if women don't NEED them, they won't WANT them, either.  Which doesn't say a lot about their self-images.

    I am so happy to have a husband who wants me rather than needs me, and does not expect or even want me to need him.

  5. Very astute.

    I imagine these men feel inadequate and unnecessary.

  6. So you've noticed, eh?  I think the heat is getting to them.

    God forbid we choose our mates for their attributes and not their ability to club supper over the head and drag it home.

    Bless their simple little heads.

  7. It says to me that if certain men have to imagine apocalyptic scenarios in order to present a situation where they would actually be useful, they must be pretty worthless people.

  8. Tracey, the objection to feminism is nothing to do with hypothetical questions such as you pose nor with polemics. The objection is because feminism is a s*x-based, s*x-biased fascist credo which is inevitably doing a great deal of harm to the country.

  9. "What this says to me is that a some of the objection to feminism or the life of modern women is that we just don't "need" men for survival anymore."

    The same holds true for men, we don't need women for survival. this is why women are regarded as playthings by many men (and happily by many women)

  10. What this says to be is that these pathetic misognynists have too much time on their hands. The fact they need to try and convince themselves and the world that women are inferior just shows up their inferiority complex.

  11. "I never said anything in my question about WOMEN NEEDING MEN. You are seeing what YOU WANT TO see and putting words in my mouth".

    Geez Mike, why wouldn't Tracey interpret your question as "Do women need men"? It seems the majority of the ppl who answered your question, interpreted it the same way  Tracey did. You didn't correct any of their answers to say otherwise. Why would that be?

    I'm trying very hard to read the question as anything other than "would women need men".

    You said:

    "If men REFUSED to assist women in any way, would they survive as long as the men? (all pregnant women get killed in the disaster) so NO reproduction. Its just seeing who lives longest before the human race is gone".

    The operative phrase here is  "if men REFUSE to assist women". I would think the next logical leap of interpretation would be "since men have chosen to refrain from helping women, could women survive as long as men, without their assistance"

    There is no difference between that logical leap, and the question "do women NEED men to survive as long as men, if they didn't have men's assistance".

    It's not rocket science. It's really quite simple.

  12. The question you should be asking is "what if all the men dried up?" then you would be f*cked!

    Have you been to watch the "s*x and the city" movie tonight or something? I sense much anger :-D

  13. I'm confused and I think my head hurts, let me ask my hubby if I can answer this, lol.

    I think society still leads women to falsely believe they need men. Think of all the fairytale stories told to children where the princess or damsel in distress has a true love come and find her and save her at the end.

    What if we told our sons those stories and switched the roles around? How then would those boys grow up? What would happen if we also told the girls?

    Hypothetically, I would think the human race would find itself in a very different position where the boys lie in wait for the girls and hope that one day their princess charming would come rescue them and make them fall in love whereas the girls would be focused on going off and fighting the dragons.

    I don't think we've ever really "needed" men, according to my history books there may be evidence that indicates that before the first society was established women and men split the work equally and women were considered to be equals with their counterparts. Then came religion, then came society, then came sexism, racism and all other sorts of prejudice.

    I came up with a theory a few months back while talking to my husband about xy chromosomes and all that (I'm not very fluent in this sort of thing but I still try to connect what little I think I might know). I imagined a place way back when where men used to be "slaves" for the women, completely useless unless the woman had some use designed for them, providing them with children, etc. Yet the women could do just as much if not more than the men. Then man came up with "love" to trick the woman into submission, softening their hearts and offering to do the harder work, woo-ing them by treating them gently until the women started to think they needed the men to do the harder work because they were pampered so much and had grown so used to it.

    Just a weird theory that came after wondering why women could breastfeed and men could not even though men had nipples. Yeah, I know, I'm weird! :)

    EDIT: I just feel I should add that anyone, male, female, or even transgender, can be involved in the feminist movement, I can't agree that it is biased. I believe there should be equal rights for all.

  14. I did a search for those and it returned no answer.

  15. I disagree for my own life.

    Women, what if all the oil dried up?  My husband would have to rely on the horse for transportation and considering he knows nothing about the animals care or personality or how to ride he would rely on me to teach him all of those things.  His way of life would change greatly.  He would have to learn to rely on himself for cutting down the wood we burn instead of picking up the phone to order it.  The list is endless.

    Women, what if an asteroid hit the earth and there was no technology?  I would continue with my work.  It would be slower (the communication process) but the work itself would not be affected.  My poor husband would have his career wiped out.  But, he would be one who is instrumental in starting new.

  16. To think that women would be the only s*x effected by both situations is ineffably stupid. In the first scenario, I don't know how oil and women needing men are comparable. In the second scenario, we would all be dead. If we weren't all dead, I don't see how an astroid hitting the earth would make women depended on men. The ideas of modern time can only be changed if we all die. Ideologies don't just disappear. As for your opinion, yes that is true. You have to be a member of that recently discovered Amazon tribe to not know this.

  17. I never said anything in my question about WOMEN NEEDING MEN. You are seeing what YOU WANT TO see and putting words in my mouth.

    I asked, who would live longer.. men or women?

    This is a perfect example of TWISTING the issue to fit your agenda. Typical feminist behavior.

    As for men being bothered by "women not needing them". I think we are more bothered by the ILLUSION and women THINKING they don't need men. Both men and women need each other to survive.

    You don't get it Tracy. But I'm not surprised.

    EDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!...  Cave man days had women as the "care takers" which is VERY important for keeping the human race going. So its more like TRADITIONAL gender roles. NOT women needing men exclusively. LIKE I SAID... you see what YOU WANT TO SEE.. not what I WROTE.

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