
Black, Hispanic, Asian and minority people, what do you think of this?

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I'm black and i have a Hispanic friend who is writing a book called "Why Can't We Be Friends". It is book that talks about how promoting friendship between ethnic minorities will make America better. My friend talks about we minorities can work to avoid stereotypes that actually divide us instead of bringing us together. He talks about the history of hispanics, blacks, asians, indians and other ethnic minorities and explains how we should use that history to form a strong bond. He talks about Ceaser Chavez, Dr. King, Ghandi, Herbert Choy and all other minority heroes. It sounds like a cool book. We have so much to offer to society and my friend seems to understand that. Do you guys agree?




  1. yeah sounds intersting....

  2. ya sounds good bro. do it. good luck  

  3. So Im a bit confused. Basically then everyone who isnt white is a minority? That would make you all the majority. Then again its not like European people werent supressed at one point in history by one another. I dont really like these books, I have tons of hispanic and Indian friends and they dont feel like minorities, but I guess its because we live in New York and we're all a mixed group of folks here.

  4. Sounds good to me. The blacks and hispanics need to start getting along with each other. The asians already get along with everyone.  

  5. sounds like it would be a good read. i'd buy it.

  6. Wow That sounds like a book I would buy. I agree If all the ethnic minorities come together America would have even a stronger bond and all the racism would be put to a end.

  7. unfortunately theirs is dissention among nonwhite groups for various reasons.  generally speaking, nonwhite groups in america yearn for acceptance by whites, as a result, other groups are ignored or shunned.  some of the most racist confrontations i have had were with men who were neither black nor white, just young and stupid

  8. gosh if you are the new generation it would be much welcomed cause right now i have seen so much hate going on for whites from  your areas. its sicking andi hate it. the black kids especially are hating whites and i was at a military base where these black girls wouldn't talk to whites cause of their color. yes i worked with one in a big huge office it was sickening.

  9. I think it's an excellent idea- let's hope you can distribute your knowledge on a nationwide level, and lead by example. ^_^

    Kudos to you, and good luck.

  10. Yeah i'd buy it, I'm interested in that, as i am all for that, i'm white and my boyfriend is pakistani. i hang out with a lot of Indians and Hispanic people and it's sad to see how mean people are to them sometimes

  11. Sure, why not?  

  12. YES, tell your friend to send me bulk copies here in the Philippines so I can give it to all who stereotype me (yes it also exists here).

  13. I think it sounds like a great idea for a buy. I'd definitely buy it, even though I'd probably have to ship it from America.  

  14. I understand I think think that's a good idea. I feel that the minorities are put against one another and have to fight each other to rise to the top and look better in white people's eyes so we can be more accepted by them.

    I don't mean to sound prejudice, I know not all whites are racists.

  15. yes.

    its like that quote about how if women weren't so critical of each other, we'd rule the world

    it applies to these races too.

    really, if you stop hearing beaner, we'll be waaay better off.

  16. i think this is a great way to bring unity amongst minorities and bring a better understanding to other races about the ethnicities the media has made to look foolish

    i think its a great idea

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