
Black Americans, do you realize how important it is that Obama be elected?

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For those of us who were around during the days of the freedom riders, separate facilities based on race, demonstrations demonstrations demonstrations, Barack Obama as president would be a milestone, not just for a minority group but for all Americans. Even if he isn't your perfect candidate, it shows that a minority community has finally arrived and America will have finally moved at least a little bit away from it's racist past.

The US is supposed to be equal in race, age, gender and yet we keep electing privileged white males at the top. It's time for a change.




  1. To me its not about his ethnicity.  Its about his platform and policy proposals.

  2. Isn't it a sad state of affairs when the only good thing you can say about a canidate is "elect him for his color"?

  3. No, but I do know how important it is to get someone else besides a Bush clone in office........

  4. Yes, Obama is so in tune with his fellow 'brothers'. He is an Elitist Liberal Pig. If Jesse Jackson wants to castrate him, I'll hold the magnifying glass.

  5. the US is an equal race, age, and gender country. To elect Obama because of his skin color is terrible. But even to elect him in general would be the stupidest thing our country ever did.

  6. That's a poor reason to select a president -- because of his color and to show the US isn't "racist".  I've got news for you.  Electing someone based solely on his skin color IS racism.

  7. i'm all for that.but not this one!

  8. Quit using race as a means of why Obama should be president. And not all presidents were privileged white males. Abraham Lincoln was very poor growing up and made it to the top on his own will. He also ended slavery. Maybe you should go pick up a history book and learn a few things!!

  9. I agree, a candidate should be voted for based solely on the fact that you believe in what he/she is saying and stand for the same things.  But I also feel like, it depends on where you are in your life in this particular election.  Make no mistake about it, my relatives in in their , 6th, 7th, or even 8th decade of life are more than likely voting for him simply because of his race, and I'm not mad at them,  they grew up in a different time then me and I'm sure none of them could even fathom a black man as president in their lifetimes.  Also, I'm pretty sure, their white coutner parts in their same stages of life are probably NOT voting for him because of the same reason.

    Me, I'm just excited that when I tell my daughter that one day she can be president if she wanted to, I am not just selling her a bunch of wolf tickets.  She will be able to see hard proof that it is possible because in 2008 both a woman and black man were potential canditates for the President of the United States!  And for me, it means that although I may not see it on an everyday basis, this country is progressing.  It is a very exciting time people!

  10. good point rico we must stop looking at political agenda's and vote for where people are from.

  11. I wonder how you would react if I posted the question "White Americans do you realize how important it is that McCain be elected.

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