
Black Cat at 12 and Weird Dreams?

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My brother claims to be seeing weird sh** lately. I personally think hes crazy, but this is a question for you religious people. My brother saw a black cat at exactly twelve a.m. tonight sitting on our front step staring at him. He says that it is Satan in disguise. He said he raised a cross to the window and it ran away. Also he said he had a dream of this tiny women crawling on his walls who was taunting him by saying "you can't see my face." Sounds crazy to me, but he sounds convincing so it creeped me out. So what do you guys think? Have you ever heard of any of this?




  1. Cats are an important animal to certain occultic groups. A cat can be used by a witch in order to bother a particular person by basically following them whever they go and causing them to be a nuisance. Some people even have the capability to transform into an animal in order to spy on people etc. Some demons even can transform into an animal as well. My suggestion is that your brother should pray before going to bed asking Jesus Christ to protect him and his family. Next whenever he sees that cat he needs to command that animal to leave him alone and never come back in the name of Jesus Christ. He also needs to pray asking Jesus Christ to cleanse his dreams. That woman that is he seeing in his dreams could be a demonic spirit or even a witch.

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