
Black Economic Empowerment?

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On the 18th of June, the High court ruled South African Chinese as Black therfore eligble to the benfits of BEE, however it only applies to South African born Chinese before 1994.

What are you views and opinions?




  1. I find it very sad that people shun the white's in this country - if it was not for the western influence, we would probably not have a proper road system, great air-services, ports, buildings, etc.

    Mbeki has made the people that made this country great feel completely unwelcome here.

  2. Hiserical. In apartheid the Chinese and j**s were ruled white to get the benifit of the doubt no it again to there favour, colourd people were to black in apartheid and are to white since. Our whole government should decide what they want and put OUR people first.

  3. It amazes me that in a so called non-racial country that skin colour seems so important to categorise people.

    This must be the new ANC ' Double-speak.' to disguise their hatred of the white man and their anti white laws.

  4. Why the cut off date......if there is a cut of date that is 1994 why can't there be one for AA and BEE, or perhaps some wise old judges have left a little loophole for whites in the future that are born after 1994?

    Over all I am glad, not only Blacks were discriminated against, that one should never forget.

  5. Well they were discriminated against during apartheid.

    They deserve it.

  6. This is the biggest pile of c-r-a-p they have come up with yet, I even believe it to be unconstitutional. Isn't it sad that we are passing more race laws now than under apartheid?

  7. The Chinese were classified as "coloureds" in the apartheid era. See this link in the paragraph "other Minorities":

    Why can´t the government just put a stop to all this racial nonsense?

  8. Part of the deal is that they are all to be shipped off to live in Durban and the Province will be renamed Kwa Zulu Nepal.

  9. I think it is correct, however the cut off date should apply to blacks as well.

  10. Can I apply  too? As far back as I can remember we always had Chinese students in school with us. They also lived among us. I think the ANC Comrade are kissing Asian Comrade butt.

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