
Black Hole where does it go?

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I was wondering what is in a black hole? If a black hole sucks in space doesnt the universe start to get smaller? where does it all go. My theory and im only 13 is that it gets thrown into a anotehr dimension and some think this theory is stupid but, it could be true!




  1. I have always hated the name black hole. The name seems to mislead people. A black hole is an object with so much mass that it is crushed beyond our current understanding.

    You live on earth and have a certain weight due to your mass and earths gravity. on a planet with twice the mass, you would weigh twice the weight. If you found a planet with 1000 times the mass, you would weight 1000 times as much.

    So does everything on the planet, so the planet becomes denser. Eventually there come a point where the mass is so great, gravity overwhelms the atoms and crush the electrons into the protons, converting them to neutrons. Then you have what is called a neutron star. This star has no atoms, no hydrogen, no carbon... Then eventually there is a mass where the gravity is so great, it becomes a black hole. Not an actually hole, but where the matter is so dense that he don't have a clear understanding of what is happening.  

  2. came up with that theory all on your own did you?

    i know you're only 13, so I'm not trying to insult you but:

    1) that's not a theory, it's a wild guess, a theory in science is a framework for data, observations, and laws, such as darwin's theory of evolution and einstein's theory of gravity.

    2) what exactly is a dimension?  how much energy does it take to break into one?  You are supposing way too much

  3.   If a black hole could exist it would act like any other celestial body.

  4. Matter gets sucked into a black hole, not space itself.  If anything, the black hole stretches space, and you get more of it.

    Whatever happens to the matter in the black hole, the black hole continues to act as if the matter is inside - that is you get the gravity you'd expect.  So it's reasonable to assume it just gets squashed inside.

    The black hole has spin, a magnetic field, momentum, mass, and charge.

  5. A black hole is just a small object with a LOT of mass. It would be like stuffing the Sun into a small house. The gravity due to this extreme mass is so strong not even light can escape it. That is why they are called BLACK holes. If matter gets sucked into the black hole it joins the rest of the matter in the black hole making it that much more massive.

    Over time black holes lose their mass due to Hawking Radiation, but that takes a long time and we have yet to understand the phenomena.  

  6. Most people believe what falls in the black hole stays in the black hole, while adding mass to it.  For example, let's say a 5 solar mass black hole sucked in 2 solar masses of matter.  The mass of the black hole will be 7 solar masses.  Black holes cannot make the universe smaller.  It's gravitational force, overall, is no more powerful than a star or object of the same mass (providing you are some distance away from the black hole).  Anything that falls in the black hole, apart from adding to the mass, simply get crushed into nothing.  

    But we do not know for sure.  

  7. A black hole only distorts space, it does not absorb it. And the matter absorbed does not get lost - it is just outside our view. And as the border of the black hole very likely is not sharp, but has a region of uncertainty (like all stuff), it is possible that a part of the matter can be as well inside the black hole, as outside, etc.

    Another dimension does not work out: It would violate the conservation of energy, a fundamental principle in the universe, which has not yet been possible to violate.  

  8. The gravity is so great that U would be crushed to the size of a virus.  

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