
Black Magic?

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I know the rule is whatever you put out you will get back. just to clarify, if someone has done something <terrible> to you and you are using magic to...let's call it what it is: retaliate...would that be evening the score and it's done, or would i now be responsible for the energy i have put out? Thanks.




  1. &quot;Revenge is a dish best served cold.&quot; Do it harshly to get your point across, or dont do it all. Youll probably regret it either way, but I dont think its nice to &quot;do magic&quot;

  2. I think if you were to return the spell back to them, mirror it back. Then they are only getting back what they intended for you. I don&#039;t think that is bad. It&#039;s just fighting fire with fire. So I would do a reversal spell. Or what I like to call a boomerang spell.

  3. You are responsible for the energy you put out. Don&#039;t use magic to retaliate because they will get whats coming to them. Stay positive!

  4. I am a strong believer in Karma, So if some one does something wrong or bad towards me I let Karma handle it and its not that I want this person to get hurt or something bad to happen to them because I always feel sorry for them after.

  5. You&#039;re always responsible for managing the magic you&#039;ve cast.  But since most people aren&#039;t even managing their own energy they have no knowledge of how to manage their magic; and so, their magic manages them.

  6. That&#039;s a really interesting point because i myself was wondering the same thing just the other day exactly about the subject you have brought up....i am a believer in karma and every action has a reaction and iv just started to become interested shall we say in what yr talking about and have done a little research into its uses and to answer yr question, i think if used in the way you say and on those terms alone then i think you will not receive bad karma for this, i believe eye for an eye and black magic doesn&#039;t have to be used in a way where you take advantage of it, a good person can use it against bad people, its only misused if you yrself are bad using it against good people when and how you to answer yr question, no i think this wont bring bad karma on yrself.........feel free to email me on this subject as i have a recent interest in it.........maybe we can share views ;o)

  7. If u play around with the unknown you have to be ready for whatever the consequences are this is a very serious thing in black magic nothing is free if u know what I mean! Good luck anyways

  8. depending on what you belive my rule of thumb for magic is An it Harm none do what you will.

    however if you dont mind the karma you will recive then to each there own. Me personally I wont use magic to retaliate on anyone no matter how much they may deserve it because i strongly believe in the three fold law and karma so its not something i do.

  9. There seems to be so much misinterpretation regarding &quot;Harm None&quot;. Nowhere does it say that we should allow people to walk all over us. Yes, you are most definitely responsible for what you send out and need to take it into consideration. If after weighing all the possibilities you still feel that you are justified in performing a spell to get someone off your back, do it. If you aren&#039;t comfortable with this concept or feel that your training would prohibit that kind of action, learn to shield. Christopher Penczak&#039;s &quot;The Witch&#039;s Shield&quot; is an excellent book to start with. And I know you&#039;ve heard it before but magic is neither black nor white. It&#039;s like electricity and can be used to light the way or electrocute.

  10. &quot;karma&quot;, as come call it, doesn&#039;t care about anyone or anyones situations and problems. if you do something, it will come back, push and pull, day and night, it comes, it goes, and it comes back again. when someone punches the side if your face, turn your other side so he can hit that one too. i think the bible got it right on that one.

  11. First of all I believe black magic does work and also that a magician or a soothsayer would never tell you the spells that they are using to perform their alchemy (light bending) abilities but I can say that I believe that if you use this art for something evil like a person messing with you it would drain your physical and mental energy. The only reason Thoth was not tire when he practiced his alchemy is because he set in a Alchemy workshop the great Pyramid, it was electrically energized it sat on a natural energy grid.

  12. In the bible God said vengeance is mine. So my only suggestion is to leave it to Jesus Christ and make him take care of that person as he sees best.

  13. KARMA!!!!

  14. Many eclectic witches feel that way.  Wiccans don&#039;t seem too though.  I&#039;m an eclectic witch with years of experience and if anyone does something horrible to you, and you truly feel justified in sending their negative energy back to them, then do it.  If you truly feel that you were wrong and deserve to be avenged, then take matters into your own hands.  Let it all out and direct it back to them.

    And then afterwards you should cleanse and banish to make sure that all of that energy is gone from you for good.
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