
Black Mold Question.?

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My wife and I purchased a home less than a month ago. It has a fishined basement with tile floors. We have spent the last 2 full months looking at this home, agonizing over a decision and finally purchasing. A home inspector came and gave us a good inspection. When we got home the other day, there were a couple of 1/2 inch tall, brown/black growths (look like very small stalagmites) on the tile next to the baseboards in the finished basement. My father in law believes that they are black mold. Is there any way to test this before I get a mold inspection? I am skeptical because I've never seen mold grow taller on an open floor. I believe it typically spreads across a flat surface. The home inspector did find some moisture in the finished basement, but said it was not enough to be alarmed by. It did rain very hard while we were gone, and I am in the process of installing a french drain to solve the drainage issue. Anyone have a similar issue? Any pros with advice? HELP!!!




  1. Doesn't sound like the dangerous mold.  You can buy a test kit from any hardware store, $30, and test yourself.

  2. might just be mildew build up, you said yourself the inspector found some moisture in the basement, and if you have moisture, you will have mildew, mold forms from rot, mildew from moisture

  3. Well, if there's enough moisture in the basement to encourage mold growth, in my book that's enough moisture to do something about.  Mold will grow wherever there is moisture and and organic material that serves as a food source. Warm temperatures encourage mold growth, cold temps inhibit it (but they don't kill mold). If it is indeed mold, here's how to deal with it:

    Ventilation is one strategy for reducing mold problems because it removes moisture. A portable dehumidifier would help for the same reason. Here's how to choose and use one:
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