
Black Pharoahs?

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He had a much longer face and his lips and nose were very large which leads people to believe that he might be black. But it is arguable that this is because it is suspected that he had a cleffed lip and many people with cleffed syndrom have long faces and larger lips and noses. His wife Nefertiti is also subject to speculation the debate isn't as heated as it is with Akhenaten and Tutankamun.




  1. **actually you can tell skin tone by bone structure of the corpse.  

    *reality is some pharaohs were black, some werent. It wasnt just one dynasty that ruled egypt for all those centuries.  Akhenaten was most likey black, but he had a bone disease. marfans syndrome? (i think, i could be something else)

    This was the dynasty that Tut is under. Nefertiti was black. nefertari, Rameses wife is belived to have been of another ethnicity than black.

    it is believed that Ramses  & Seti 1 etc were not black but, 'middle eastern'.    and the BIGGEST mistake people make are concerning the Ptolemaic Dynasty. (i.e., the one that Cleopatra Vii was the last of) .... they were greek. So Cleopatra and her brothers Ptolemy Vii & Viii were not black at all.  

    so as far as history tells us, the pharaohs were as diverse as the nation.

    The reason is that the pharoahs intermarried as to keep the blood-line. so that it was usually a brother-sister/husband-wife type of  a thing. this preserved the individual 'families'  right to the throne (even though pharaohs were supposed to be gods) etc.  but they often had a whole lot of wives. And there were tons of dynasties, not one 'family' kept it for all those thousands of years.

  2. What I find interesting is that white Christians hyperventilate at the mere idea that Jesus the Christ was quite swarthy as well.  They just don't like the idea of their spiritual guide to not be lily white.  Facts are facts look at the geography and the race you are dealing with. Cleopatra had lovely brown skin despite how Elizabeth Taylor portrayed her.

  3. They weren't black.   It's just another case of envy of the part of blacks.   They are desperate to claim something decent for their own.

  4. Some Egyptians were black.  Some were Arab or similar to semitic.  African is not a race.  It is indicative of just how ignorant Jesse Jackson is and those that use the term African American are.  Arabs and Caucasians have lived in Africa for a very long time.

  5. What's surprising about the pharoahs being black? Egypt is in Africa, after all.  Excuse me, on the African continent...ahem.

  6. Is there any PROOF?

  7. I agree with all beans4brains said except for bone structure.  You cannot determine skin shade beyond a doubt from bone structure.  You can however determine ethnicity (i.e. european, asian, african).  This does not give skin tone.  There is a broad range of "shades" within every ethnicity.  Structure just aids in narrowing the field.

  8. The Nubian from Sudan did conquer Egypt once & the dynasty lasted over 100 yrs.  However most Pharoahs were not Haplotype L (predominate sub Saharan African DNA group) as many would like to suggest & Cleopatra was greek, since her grandfather was one of Alexander's generals.  The Greeks did not interbreed with Egyptians & in fact  incest was common to keep their "Royal Bloodlines" pure.  

    Chuckle... the Politically correct ignorance perpetrated about Egypt is just plain amazing.  Try looking up the DNA map of human migration in & out of Africa.

    To the idiot that gave me the thumbs down... if the truth hurts you, get off the board.

  9. Diedre is quite correct. Just look at the location of Egypt, this is one of the earliest civilizations so I seriously doubt they were white. I personally believe they were a sand color, just like christ.

  10. The Sudanese ruled the later Kingdom for about 100 years and that is the only time that could be said Egypt was under a Black  Pharaoh; strictly. Egyptians were of Semitic stock, as has been confirmed genetically. There are no arguments and there is no two sides of this debate. The truth is the truth and ambiguous anthropology does not change that.

  11. I don't know why this has come up. This has been an open question for anthropologists for years and, you'd never get an answer that was correct. Of course Jesus was an Ethiopian decent, from that area. What's the argument and, I'm not hyperventilating by the way.

       It's accepted in many Churches if you know anything about Christians, Jesus is portrayed as being almost Negroid or, black short, curly hair, a short stubble for a beard with a flaring nose. And, of course dark skin, this is of that area of the world.

       What are we suppose to do, go around smashing all the statues and tearing up all the paintings? it's the way it is so, accept it. What;'s the problem.

       I would guess all ancient peoples including the Egyptians would be swarthy or dark skinned, where, for Pete's sake, are they from, not Sweden, that's for sure. One only needs to know a little about geography to know these questions.
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