
Black Power???????????????

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will it happen?





  1. I'm really growing tired of these race issues.  What does "Black Power" even mean?  Since someone mentioned Obama, why does he have to be black?  His mother is white!  I could just as easily vote for Obama as a white person.  

    As an accident of color, I'm considered white (actually, I'm multi-racial).  Does that mean that if I were to marry a black woman, my children would be black?  Why can't they be white?  Or, better yet, why can't they be people?  Why do they even have to be a color?  Why can't they be judged by what they do and the content of their character?

    "Black Power", that's just a racist expression that continually holds us in the past.  I for one will have nothing further to do with it.

  2. I think there is a good chance,

    I think that it's wrong to not like obama because he's black!

    The reason I wouldn't vote for him is  because no experience!

    what would he do if the us was attacked?

    he's a heartless baby killer.

  3. What do you mean?

  4. I think the term "Power" attached to any racial group is stupid. White Power, Black Power, Latino Power, etc... What I find amazing is the only one that is considered racist is White Power.

    If you judge a race as superior to another race for any reason -- you're a racist, whether you're a member of that race or not. If you vote for a person based on race, whether you're a member of that race or not -- you're a racist.

    So with that said, no. I believe the majority of America will vote based on the issues. Obama has no experience -- and for that reason, his numbers are slipping during the Democratic Convention Week. That's unheard of. America is waking up to the fact of who he is -- and how shallow he is. McCain will mop the floor with him in November.

  5. white power!

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