
Black Shadow on LCD TV?

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I have a MAXNET 27" LCD TV bought from Costco. There is the area of black shadow on the screen after I used 1 year. The area is becoming bigger. Costco didn't carry this item when I notice it. One year warranty was over. I'd like to know any solution for getting rid of that black shadow. Thanks for any help




  1. Most of the problem like this comes from the LCD PAnel itself and can't be repaired you need to replace the whole LCD Panel.

  2. Looks kinda like a darker blob shifted to the left or right of center I'll bet.....

    Some of the backlights have a tendency to do that....and on SOME TV sets, you flip the power connector that connects the INVERTER board to your backlight's power connection and change the polarization of the backlight itself....if it works, the black spot disappears....if not, then you do need to replace the lcd panel, since the backlight is built into the assembly and it can't be changed out......

    I know the Sonys had that capability on some of them......

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