
Black Water Mercinary Jobs???

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I meet the requirements to join Black Water but does anyone know how long their training is? i also heard they may go under, what other Organizations are there that a similar? And is employment just when you are into the c**p? or do they work every day like the army?




  1. Believe me, if you met the "requirements" you'd already know somebody working for Blackwater.

  2. First off, they are not mercs in the traditional sense.  They are highly paid protection assets.  So until you can get that right, plus learn to properly spell mercenary, I'd find another line of work.

    If you want real merc work, there is a place you can visit in Costa Rica.

  3. Black Water is pretty elite so I'm not sure what requirements you have. But another group that provides security is Triple Canopy, they are pretty hard core.

  4. I know a guy that works as a Black Water "Mercenary", first off they're not mercenaries, they are a security detail.  Second, what quals.  do you have Special Forces, DELTA, SEAL, Spec. Ops., SAS?  They're not looking for a policeman.  And doing a year in Irag for the army going on an occasional patrol of the town isn't that great of a qualification considering your competition.  The people that teach the courses aren't in the c**p they're home, try that if you don't want to be "in it".  Basically it works on a schedule say 6 months on 6 months off.  Not all the details you are assigned to are hard core prime suspects to be shot at from hostile enemies.  Maybe take a night job for a lesser security company first and work up.

  5. Dude it's for guys that really want to go straight to combat it's not a career type thing.

    Employment is when we are at war. After that you go home, they'll have your number ;)

  6. Black Water just opened a training facility in Somalia.

    They are hiring in there. However, you have to have an RPG's and other rocket propellers experience to work in that region.

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