
Black adidas hat RN# 90288 CA# 40312

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Looking for a hat. Black with a black adidas logo. rn# 90288 & ca# 40312.

thats a picture of it.. Does anyone know where i can find one? my best friend has had his almost 5 years and it recently got a hole in it. now he's crazy depressed. his birthday is coming up and me and his mom want to replace it for him. so does ANYONEEE know where to find one?! Thanks a lotttt.!




  1. I found two of them for sale go here:

  2. Unfortunately that is not the model number.  Reason I know is because I was looking to replace an Adidas backpack I love and it has those numbers on there as well. I googled the numbers hoping to find the backpack and it seems you are looking for the hat.  They must use that tag on several of their merchandise. 

  3. were you able to find the hat

  4. I have this hat too.  I am looking for the same exact one.  let me know if you find it please. thanks

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This question has 4 answers.


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