
Black cabbies hogging the middle lane?

by  |  earlier

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Why is it that black cabbies seem to love hogging the middle lane of dual carriageway's or motorways, even when the left hand lane is empty. Surely they of all people know that you should keep to the left unless overtaking. They also do the minmum speed, so you always end up undertaking them in the left lane. Is there any reason for this?




  1. the left lane has been chopped up by buses and trucks, & I don't want to wreck my suspension/steering on the left front wheel.

  2. Its not just black cabs that do this.  It happens everywhere and it really frustrates me.  Its the attitude of 'my car is too expensive' or 'my car is too powerful' to use the left hand lane.  They should start fining people for doing it and also why I think that motorway driving should be included in driving lessons and tests and people should have to re-take driving tests every 5 years.

    The problem is, if you undertake its you thats in the wrong but if everyone used the roads properly, undertaking would never occur in the first place.

  3. yeah i would like to know that... most cabbies are nice people. but in this case they are being nobs!

  4. I think it is just a bad habit we all do it, one can not go by the book all the time, don't you? what about drivers doing the minimum speed and they stay on the outside lane? what you want to do to them?

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