
Black circles under eyes?

by  |  earlier

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i have black circles under my eyes and i want to get rid of them. makeup is not an option since im a guy. My parents always say that its because im not getting enough sleep, but i am. If i get less than 8 hours, they get really black/purple and are very visible. if i get over 8 then they get better, and if i get more than 10 they get worse again. There seems to be a happy medium, but they are always there. I want to remove them completely. So my question is two part. First, what causes the dark circles other than sleep deprivation. And second, and the more important part, what can i do to make them go away.

Thank you

ps: i think i might have read somewhere that a deviated septum can cause them, and my doctor told me that i do have a deviated septum. if its true and they are caused by that, would that be the only problem.

thanks again




  1. you can get them if you get punched in the nose. But i dont know how to get rid of them

  2. Mine are kinda like yours.

    Im sorry, i dont know how.

  3. Most of it is genetic. I have them to. Just get lots of sleep, and try not be stressed to much. I also have heard that when you cry a lot under eye circles appear darker. Not sure if it's true tho. Also drink plenty of water. Getting a bit of color in your face as well as putting cold spoons under eyes may help. Get ShiSeido Benefiance Revitalizing Cream. I got mine from Macy's and just a tiny dab of it does wonders on dark circles.

    vitamin E oil,olive oil,cucumbers, & a doctor can also help. I have pretty bad ones so this is all from experience.

    Hope this helps. :)

  4. its really not a big deal to put a little foundation (makeup) under your eyes. seriously now

  5. get some more sleep, eight hours or more a night.

  6. Uhm, I'll take a guess, stress?

  7. I  find i get very black circles when i dont drink enough water, sleep doesnt seem to affect me this way.

    I read somewhere once....where i have no idea....that they can form from a build up of toxins in the body, and show there because the skin is very thin. I cant remember where i read this , and i have no idea how accurate the information is, but it did spur me to drink an extra litre of water a day, and after a few days they had disappeared. Now i ensure i drink a good amount of water daily and it does seem to have all but "cured" the dark eyes. At least it might be a cheap and easy solution to try!

    The only product i ever tried that worked a little was by a company called "Fade Out" which produce a cream you apply twice a day to the eye area. This worked  quite well for me but you do have to religiously apply it twice a day and it takes up to 6 weeks of this to work. It's not expensive so is worth a try maybe (and is not make up!).

    I have put the link below, and i know how you feel - i got so fed up of people asking me if i was feeling ok as i looked tired.... :-)

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