
Black culture?(throwing trash in apt. parking lots)?

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Why do so many african-americans feel comfortable emptying their automobiles of their trash by just throwing outside on to the parking lots of their apartment complex even where they themselves live?(cups, fastfood ,bags soda bottles, etc...)I am astounded by this and growing exceptionally weary of cleaning up after them or just dealing with going outside my apartment and seeing trash on the ground every day and watching them do it but if i say something they get mad and want to "do something to me"




  1. I have seen people from all races disrespect the land by throwing their trash everywhere/anywhere.  Ignorance is color blind.

  2. This is not "black culture!"  Not every black person throws their garbage in the parking lot.  So stop assuming.

    If you hate living where you are, then move and stop complaining.  Or if you think you're going to get hurt if you say any thing, then call the police

    STOP putting all black people into one category. Apparently, you figure you're the best and all black people are some how beneath you.  There many, many other people (not just blacks) who throw their garbage out the windows rather than use the cabbage cans.

    Not everyone is the same as you are, "Mr Clean."  I think it's time for you to more, or you will get your head knocked off your shoulders and stop being a bigot

  3. Now , hold on!!!

    I'm white male and live in country ; believe me I see those white people do the same thing!!!

    They throw fast food bags out of their cars.

    And even beer cans or bottles.

    Come on , not always black!!

    It's all races!!

  4. Thats sort of racist, even if there were no african americans people still litter.

  5. I'd have to agree with everyone else on this subject and say that it isn't about culture, the way you've stated the question definitely makes you sound racist. - However, I'm sure you didn't mean it to be that way. I think what you are witnessing is a matter of no home training. No respect for where they live, for whatever reason, probably location or surroundings. They just don't care. Plus they(those that litter) know that if it's in a complex someone is hired to pick up the trash. Or maybe the area even needs to have more trash cans around.

  6. Imagine a world with no black people, you would still see trash.

  7. I would get mad at you too..

    you do realize that what you are saying is a little racist, ok a lot..

    there are LOTS of people EVERYWHERE that throw trash everywere and they are all the colors of the rainbow..NOT just black people..

    You need to get out more..

  8. I am sure that not all black people are like that.. those who do that are probably brought up in the ghetto areas.. where they see such things happen every day.. so the kids grow up seeing this happen in their own neighbourhood and they believe that is normal.. it has something to do with where these black people live.. if they live in a poor area.. then to them this is common and it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks.. they probably live in cold and not nice apartments.. and therefore have little pride in their homes..  they are very poor and it's not the fact that they are black, it's the fact that they never knew any different.. that's the world they know from when they were toddlers so they do it more out of ignorance as they don't know better.. I am sure their yards are littered with garbage.. and therefore it's not so much rudeness but not knowing better..  those black Americans or African Americans who can afford better housing and live in better areas will have more pride in their homes and therefore also teach their children the values. to not throw litter in the street elsewhere.. xx

  9. It's not just black folks.  I live in a mixed ethnic neighborhood, mostly 2-3 apartment buildings with some single-family homes (very low-mid middle class), a couple multi-units.  And I've seen people parked at the curb, emptying a mound of butts from their ashtrays, empty cans, garbage galore out of their car right there where they are parked.  Right into the street and/or sidewalk.  People come by at night and unload old furniture and junk right on the corner (they do it neatly but, hey, people live here and why don't you just take your trash to the dump?).  I can step out of my door and find all sorts of c**p sitting out in front of my building that I know we didn't put there--old computer monitors, torn up arm chairs, bashed up file cabinet, bags of trash, bags of clothing.  People just don't seem to have any sense that when they trash up, someone else is going to have to clean up.  So much of our tax money we pay goes to just cleaning up graffiti and trash rather than going to helping the less fortunate or improve things.  I don't think people are being taught the correct things anymore.

  10. I think what you've witnessed has more to do with class than race.  I DO appreciate the fact that you recognize that there is a black culture, but I think what you're talking about has more to do with socioeconomics than race or culture (unless you consider class structures to be cultures, which some people do).

  11. Isn't funny that you see "specific" people throwing trash on the ground at a "specific" apartment parking lot, and you jump to the conclusion that they do it because they are black?

    If they were white, would this question be "white culture(throwing trash in apt. parking lots)", or would it just be about low-class dirty people in general?

    Funny how when somebody black does something negative, it is attributed to their entire nationality and culture, but if someone white does the same negative thing, then it's just their own bad act.

    And incidentally, dirtbags of all races litter then get mad and want to fight when confronted with it.

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