
Black egypt? possibly at 99.9%?

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Why is it so hard for many people to agree or even speculate on the fact that egypt was a black civilization, founded by african as anyone can describe and distinguish them. And that the had dominated the world for 3000 years and extended their culture and science to this day in the civilization we believe to be occidental only! Maybe some people should for once attempt to depart from their own racial sensitivity and put things in perspective. Egypt is in Africa! Th first men were africans and Black and there is therefore a possibility that the first modern civilization was entirelly african! I am not begging for recognition or attempting to fix history, rather I am trying to be logical. What are the consequences of a black african egyptian " Khemite" civilization on the world of today and tomorrow?




  1. Egypt wasn't the first civilization. that was Sumeria which was in the Fertle Crescent near Iraq.

  2. wow all you ppl come on here talking about facts yet none of you are ancient egyptians so how would you know what they felt likw and the egyptians were blacks or had black skin look at the artifacts they have darken skin. IF YOU ACTUALLY HAVE BEEN TO EGYPT AS I HAVE AND LEAVE THE URBAN AREAS INTO THE REST OF THE COUNTRY 99.9 PERCENT OF THE POPULATION  IS BLACK OR WHAT I CONSIDER BLACK BUT THAT TERM IS TO BROAD.

  3. Many leaders were black before the caucasian conquered an already ended civilization ie Cleopatra was not even an Egyptian and was the last Pharaoh if not a real one at all. The pyramids gold mask etc that Ancient Egypt is famous for happened way before this and here are some:

    Queen tiye

    Tutankhamen's grand mother she certainly is black and so was

    Tutankhamen of course and even if she was the only black person in his linage which i really doubt the one drop rule white people made up apply and hes black either way.

    Tutankhamens mask what hes most famous for

    Ancient Egypt was in fact Kemet and Ancient Sudan was Kush or Nubian and no one in the world can even try say the Kush were anywhere near arab or Caucasian

    Kememt (Ancient Egypt)

    Kush/Nubian (Ancient Sudan)

    Notice how the Kush and Kemet are very similar the Ancient Egyptians also used the Kush army as you can see they look the same because they were a very skilled and powerful army of their time.These ancient civilizations were not Arab, Roman, Greek any Caucasian but an African civilization with many black rulers followed by modern day Egyptians ancestors and black leaders mixed then gradually became into the mix they are today

  4. The Egyptians were Africans, but they definitely saw themselves as distinctly different from sub-Saharan Africans.  They were certainly seen as distinctly different by outsiders.  They also saw themselves as different from Asians.  They would have thought of themselves as Egyptians rather than as Africans.

  5. I hate to burst your bubble but the Egyptians did not consider themselves Black.  Egypt is in North Africa which is caucasian.  Along the Nile near Cush ( modern day

    Sudan) there is a sign written in hieroglyphics which says that it is forbidden for Blacks to go beyond this point.  The Egyptians painted different races showing their physical features.  They never painted themselves as being *******.  They showed the men as having a red-brown complection and the women as having white skin.   A white complection was desirable for women in the Egyptian culture.  In order to maintain a white complection the Egyptian women avoided the sun.  Towards the end of Egyptian civilization the Upper Egypt in the South was conquered by the Nubians.  The Nubian control of the South was short lived.  Nubia is the same as Cush except that these Southern lands were called Cush during the times when it was an integral part of Egypt.  The Egyptians liked to go hunting for Black Africans and to use them as slaves.  They considered Blacks to be primitive or barbarian.  They really did not think highly of their Northern neighbors either.   When they conquered Nubia, they took the Nubian princes and princesses into Egypt to educate them in the culture of Egypt but it was really as hostages so that the  Nubian kings would not rebel against them.  I know that there are many Blacks who like to see Egypt as a Black civilization.  It was really a Mediteranean Civilization.  I studied Egyptian art history.  Egyptians tended to be multi-racial since they mingled with their slaves.  They were a mix of Egyptian, Black, and Semetic.  Egyptian society was one where the masses were kept ignorant.  Very few people were able to read, mostly the scribes, priests, and artists.  Most lived in poverty and the aristocrats lived in extreme wealth.  If you want to really know about Egypt, you should read some reputable material.  

    When it comes to early man, we really don't know what race or races existed.  There are some 30,000 year old cave paintings in South Africa which show the inhabitants as being blond.  Read It Began in Babel.  It is a fascinating book on ethnicity.  When people talk about the beginnings of mankind originating in Africa, that is just pure speculation.  There have been findings of early man in not only Afica but Asia, the Americas and Europe as well.  Throughout history there have been massive migrations of peoples.   The Indus Valley in India had Blue-Black people with barrel-shaped noses living there before the Aryan (Indo- Iranian) invasion.  The Aborigine in Austalia and New Zealand are a kind of unusual race with straight hair and black skin.  The human race has gone through genetic mutations and man is constantly in a state of change just like everything else.

    One small correction to Casimir, the Hametic and Semetic Peoples were not Indo-European.  The Semites were Semites their language has no relationship to Indo-European.

  6. It varied in ethnic composition by time. So strictly speaking it might have started black, but ended not black. You know, like Michael Jackson!

  7. I understand your point but it is hard to agree or speculate that Egypt was a Black civilization because your logic is neither complete or accurate.

    Here is why, to begin with you are right that early man came out of Africa, but he was still not fully human and it was over hundreds of thousands of years ago.  This happened even before the upper Paleolithic, when the Neanderthal man, not black, was the main occupant of most places outside of sub-saharan Africa (peak 50,000 BC).  

    By the time the Neolithic age was well underway around 4500BC, the worlds races were already well developed and spread around the world.  The inhabitants of the black race, were already positioned south of the Sahara.  The inhabitants of north Africa were the Hamites, a white-caucasian* subgroup comparable to ancient Berber societies today.  The near East was inhabited by another white-caucasian* sub group the Semites.

    Civilization did not begin before the neolithic age and since by then that portion of the globe was already inhabited by others than the black race, then at the most one could conclude that ancient Egypt was a blend of the 3 neighboring peoples; black (Kush as southern neighbors), hamitic, and semitic.

    So its isnt about denying black people the rights to civilization but facts are facts, and the first civilization known to current acheological evidence was sprung in the Egyptian valley, the Mesopotamian valley, and the Indus valley.  None were primarily inhabited by the black race, let alone exclusively by it.

    Maybe we will find a civilization un-earthed in Kenya one day that dates back to 10,000BC that is as advanced as Egypts, but until then the facts remain.

  8. Have you ever been to Cairo and seen the polyglot of races in the native Cairenes?  Again, not entirely black, but partly black.  Why keep banging on this drum??

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