
Black guinea pig with diarrah?

by  |  earlier

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My black guinea pig under its butt her fur is all dry and stuck together, is this diarrah or something else?




  1. ewwwww gross! wash her

  2. It's impossible to say without seeing your guinea pig.  If you even think it may be diarrhea you must go to the vet right away.  Diarrhea can quickly kill a guinea pig.

  3. :0 that is a sigh that its ganna die my guinea pig had that and i berly got it im sooo sorryyyyyyyyy

    or maybe its dehdratied it needs to drink more water

  4. I'm not sure the case.

    But if you feed your guinea pig milk, try not to for a couple days.

    It may be upsetting the pig's stomache and may be causing diarrah.

  5. it very well could be. You will want to clean it off and keep an eye on it. You don't want any infection to start

  6. i just lost my lunch all over my desk.

  7. If your guinea pig has diarrhea then you would know from the droppings in her cage and if she has then its not a good idea to just leave her or try any of the things you have been told to in these answers, the best thing you can do for your guinea pig is take her to the vet, diarrhea in guinea pigs can be quite serious if left untreated.

  8. diarrhea is watery..the stuff could be dried p**p,

    nothing to worry , animals have their own ways to double check take him to a vet for further check up...

    he should be gud in a few days time!

  9. well anyways diarea is a sign of illness. but also its sometimes from overfeeding of certain veggies.

    just get a cloth with nice warm water on it and rub the piggys rump with it. dont use soap!

    check in the cage is there even any diarea in the cage? if not the it may just be urine.

    just keep a watch on ur pig.

    good luck!

    oh and actully go to the vet if it continous. ASAP!

    hope this helps!

  10. i wanna help, but this too gross sry can't help u

  11. answer my question:

    and to answer yours i think so

  12. What does her color have anything to do with it?

  13. lol u spelled diarrhea wrong... Anyway, umm I do think it is, might be something it ate, so maybe u should look into that... Also it could be it's little food things, only they're mixed with water and they're squashed... No? lol

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