I know this is a stupid question but I'm allowed to at least have one right lol..Anyways, I met this black guy during orientation and he started a conversation with me. He kept saying how beautiful I was and seemed interested in my diverse background because I'm multiracial. I thought he was cute so we went out on a date but something that he said at the end of the night got me thinking. He said I was almost perfect. He said if I only had a bigger butt I would be perfect. He even went on to say that I had the looks and the b***s but not the butt which I felt was a bit much for the first date so I never talked to him again. I think I made him feel too comfortable to the point where he felt like it was ok to say something like that. Anyways, A week later, I saw him on campus with a girl that had a huge butt like that girl on Flavor of Love and I was wondering, do you believe that most black guys like or prefer a girl with a body (big butt) more than a girl with a pretty face???
I know everyone is different, and I have seen black guys with skinny girls before, but I'm talking about the majority.