
Black history. does any one know where i should start if i wanna learn black history? could you recommend any?

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any books. do you know the names of any of the white people who stood up for the slaves when it wasnt popular i heard some stories about whites been lynched for helping blacks.

this was before the time of the civil rigts




  1. Careful, if the question was the other way around it would not be considered "politically correct".

  2. Please don't read Roots by Alex Haley, I read it and I cried from the beginning to the end.

    It was a true story about how the black slaves were treated, and it was inhuman.

    Kunta Kinta was the main one in the story and they cut his foot off because he couldn't stand

    the treatment he got and tried to run away.

    Even thinking about it now I can feel the tears rising up it was awful, mothers were not allowed to see their babies they were taken away as they were born. When they were brought back the mothers didn't know which baby was theirs, if you read the book you will be crying, and you can bet your life on that.

  3. i am from very southern louisiana(aprox 30 mi from the gulf of mexico) and try looking up antebellum plantations and they[re owners. i know i remember hearing stories of white men being beaten and robbed for even acknowledging a person of color

  4. Take a black history course at your local community college, should cost about $100plus books

  5. There's no such thing!...its all world history?...

  6. Look at some fairy tale books. Blacks have made their own 'version' of history. They actually sold their own people, and had already been using them as slaves, and have also killed many more whites than whites have blacks,

    When they kill white people (very often) , it is suppressed by the media. But the rare white on black case gets covered for years. Look up thecompletely hidden case of Channon Christian and Chris Newson.

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