A few months ago I purchased a hatchling leopard tortoise from a reputable shop in my home town. I have been feeding it mainly romaine lettuce with occasional carrots. He eats these regularly and voraciously. I also present him with commercial tortoise food but it is to big for him to eat whole and he isn't real good at chewing it. I also present grass pulled from outside (St. Augustine, buffalo, crab, etc...) but he doesn't like it at all.
In the last couple weeks I have noticed the area around his mouth (beak?) is becoming stained black. The inside of his mouth is normal color. And as best as I can tell he has no other health problems other than slightly runny f***s which I attribute to the lack of fiber he refuses to eat.
So, whats up with the black lips, is this a cosmetic issue or a health problem?
Also does anyone know some good food for this young (~6mo) leopard tortoise that is high in fiber but easy to eat? He will not eat grass yet, outside or cut.