
Black male with caucasian hair? Is it genetic?

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Just curious, I met a gentleman the other day while playing golf, and he has dark skin (black) however, he has Caucasian hair. He was a very nice young man and we talk often. He says he is half Native-American, Black and Italian. Could his hair be from his Native and Italian Genes? It was very interesting, and no it wasn't a wig because he showed me, it was real.




  1. caucasian hair..? dude, do  know how stupid u sound, seriosly?

    even if he werent mixed he could still have soft hair (which is what im guessin u mean wen u say "caucasian" hair).

    it could also be he got it from hes italian and native american side.

    and.. he had to show you that his hair was real...? WTH... :\

  2. of course it's genetic...i saw this dark guy with blue eyes....and it's all natural.

  3. There are mixed race people in the world dude!!!

    Deal with it!!!

    Stop acting ignorant and stupid!!!

  4. genes are powerful ,my friends daughter is white ,her husband is african american,their 3 kids look mix,but the mix daughter has a black boy friend and their child is blond hair and blue eyes like her grandmother,there was a DNA test he is  the father,his mom and dad are dark as dark can get

  5. I admire your great love for Blacks.

  6. What is Caucasian hair?  Because they can have black, blonde, red, brown,etc  

  7. Of course his hair is from his non black genes. Genetics have a funny way of showing thereselves in people of mixed heritage ( hair texture, eye color,skin color). My youngest son looks like a person from india ( jet black silky hair and red brown skin) and his father and I are of different races( black and cuban).

    Even if a person comes from parents of the same race their hair texture can resemble that of a person of another race, just look at Justin Timberlake.

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