
Black molly turning brown, why?

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Just wondering if it was ill as I have had black molly's before and have never known them to change colour.




  1. dunno?

  2. Hi Ariose,

    Mollys tend to be a colour and it stays that way.  Its more often goldfish than change colour.  If you fish is going brown it would indicate it is not happy.  When a fish, any fish is happy its colours really stand out but when they start to dull in colour it means they are not well.  Too much ammonia in the tank can cause scales to go brown, you need to change the water if it is ammonia.  I suggest 50% out of the tank, i just had to do this with my Lionhead Orlanda and he looks amazing now.  Is your fish eating?  Is there other fish in the tank that are bullying him?

    Watch your tank for a bit and just watch what he is doing and what the other fish are doing.

    You may find your answer these.

    Hope this helps :-)

  3. often fish change colour from stress or simply maturity.

  4. I have two mollys at the moment and one of them has gone very pale in colour but is still very healthy, I have also got a goldfish which has turned silvery in colour. It is down to a change in the pigmentation in their skin and I have been told by a pal who is a vet that it is nothing to worry about

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