
Black nail polish?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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Black nail polish?

This might sound DUMB!

But does it mean anything like your emo or goth if you wear black nail varnish?

Its just, im normal girl and my favourite colour is black, and I want to wear black nail varnish, would people think im like…. Going goth of something.

Its just the fact that I like the colour.

Would it be okay?

Thanks [;




  1. Yeah black nail polish can look cool with some outfits, I wear it on my toe nails sometimes too!

  2. no, I know loads of girls who aren't goth and wear black nail varnish on a regular basis, I say just wear whatever colour makes you feel good.

  3. it doesnt mean or emo or goth, but emos and goths wear it.  

  4. I wear Black nail polish and im black  

  5. No, I always wear black nail varnish and I'm not a goth or an emo.

  6. No I love wearing black nail polish, it's s**y and stylish, it's sort of wild and I really love wearing it! =P It doesn't mean you're emo or goth!! :D

  7. A few years back I would have said uugghh you're kidding, but these days it is pretty well accepted I think.  You may get comments from people like "oh going goth today, huh?"   But I don't really see why that should be a big problem because goth is in right now, why worry so much about being associated with it?   Pair the black finger and toe nails with jeans, a black T shirt and black sandals and some silver jewlery.  You'll be smokin!    

  8. I think it only looks emo/goth if you are wearing heavy black make-up too.  It looks nice with black clothes as long as the make-up isn't too dark.

  9. I love black nail polish!

    Someone can't say 'you're a goth/emo because you're wearing black nail polish' - there have to be other factors as well.

    Go for it! Black nail polish is cool and matches everything. :)

  10. Black nail varnish has been in for quite a while now and this winter the emo look is really in. I wear it and no one says anything! If anything people started copying me because they were waiting for someone to do it first so they didnt look stupid!

  11. mmm...i guess putting on black nail color can make u look like a goth...


  12. im male


    im not exactly emo,

    [i get called it but yanoo]

    i just love the way it looks and i love it!

    so just do it :D

    s***w what others think :]!

  13. To be honest, I think black nail varnish used to be associated with emos/goths. However, Chanel introduced black nail varnish as high fashion. After that it became extremely fashionable to wear black nail varnish... and it still is! It's not just for emos/goths! For this autumn/winter, the 'rock' look is in anyway. Try looking at the blog on the website below, it'll tell you about the rock look being hot for autumn/winter ;)

  14. ya i think it would be fine. i wear it sometimes and im not crazy, emo, or goth....

  15. it depends what else ur wearing

    i mean if ur wearing all black or lots of black anyway u might look a bit like a goth/emo but whats wrong with that?

    anyway ppl who label others should be lined up and shot

    if u like it just wear it

    black nail varnish is pretty :)

  16. you can wear it, but people might think your gothic or something, but it doesnt mean that you are. I wear it here and there (whenever i can do my nails with two little boys keeping me and i dont care what people think i like to wear it and you should do the same!!

  17. i guess some people are going to think that you are going goth. but really you are not. just wear it with your everyday outfits. and then dont always wear black nail polish, swith it up and wear some more girly colors somedays, so that people will notice that you are not going emo/goth

  18. no i hate it when people say that i like wearing black nail varnish and im not emo or goth just wear what you like

  19. No, black nail polish can be cute. Here is my theory:

    Goth people aways wear black nail polish, but other people wear it if they arent goth.

  20. In England, in the past if you wore black nailpolish, you were a "goff" or a "grunja" or whatever else they were called by people but now its fashionable because CeLeBrItIeS thought it was cool.

    If someone tells you you're a goth for wearing black nail polish, tell them its fashionable in England; the most fashionable country in the world (after japan) so those people who think you're a goth can SHOVE IT


  21. you don't sound dumb.

    you might look goth or emo to some, but that's only because thats how they express themselves.'

    honestly, you shouldn't give a rat's *** about what other people think when you wear something you want to wear.

    i think it would be fine. :D

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