
Black patches on my java fern?

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I bought java fern about 5 weeks ago. When I purchased it, the leaves were all green. Now 5 weeks later, all the leaves exept one new bud have black, brown patches on them, like they are all decaying. (8 of the 9 leaves)

The water parameters are good. Light is 1 watts per gallon and also get 2 hours of indirect sunlight. The fish are 2 bolivian rams and 6 rummynose tetras. It has a diy co2.

The brown Patches are NOT SPORES. It is not circular spots/dots but are random patches all over the leaves.

The java fern has been grown submerged and NOT IMMERSED.

I use only rainwater for my tank.

It it nutrienrt deficiency?

I thought java fern was a very hardy plant, not requiring fertilisers. I thought it would grow fine with just the fish poo. In the same tank, I have java moss which seems to be thriving, making a pretty carpet. What is wrong with my java fern?




  1. The rainwater could very well be the problem.  Java Ferns are hardy, but they cannot survive in nutrient, and equally important, mineral free/low water.  Rainwater has virtually no dissolved minerals, and both plants and fish (even acid loving fish) require things like calcium and magnesium in their water.  I would strongly suggest using a combination of tap water and rainwater, and occaisionally dosing some fertilizer (Flourish, Flora Pride, etc.).

  2. the plant is producing more plants baby ones will slowly appear and drop off had this a number of times looks like dying of then comes to life  

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