I bought java fern about 5 weeks ago. When I purchased it, the leaves were all green. Now 5 weeks later, all the leaves exept one new bud have black, brown patches on them, like they are all decaying. (8 of the 9 leaves)
The water parameters are good. Light is 1 watts per gallon and also get 2 hours of indirect sunlight. The fish are 2 bolivian rams and 6 rummynose tetras. It has a diy co2.
The brown Patches are NOT SPORES. It is not circular spots/dots but are random patches all over the leaves.
The java fern has been grown submerged and NOT IMMERSED.
I use only rainwater for my tank.
It it nutrienrt deficiency?
I thought java fern was a very hardy plant, not requiring fertilisers. I thought it would grow fine with just the fish poo. In the same tank, I have java moss which seems to be thriving, making a pretty carpet. What is wrong with my java fern?