
Black people have shown that there can achieve great things in sport?

by  |  earlier

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So that shows best person for the job, why do they think that you are held back by racists in a work place. You have proved yourselfs in sports, best person for the job, and you are at alot of sports if you applied yourslelfs in busness you would get the same respect, but let me quizz you. the racists hold you back, bullsit




  1. Oh goodness what now?  There are a lot of us who do not want or need to excel in sports.  You do not need to tell me to apply myself, my parents already did that.  But thanks for reminding me that there are still people out there who paint everyone with the same brush....stupidity.  

    Edit - LOL @ Deep. Yeah he/she needs to get hooked on phonics real quick.

  2. because in sport you need PHYSICAL strength.

    but in a business environment you need INTELLIGENCE.  they have NOTHING to do with each other

  3. Excelling in sports is excelling in sports. Nothing is stopping black people or any other people from excelling in others things in life but the person. Help yourself by applying yourself and stop blaming all your problems on Whitey. The people you hold responsible for your problems didnt get where they are by whining. Nobody just walks up and says "Hey, heres some more money white brother, get that house you wanted."  Somebody, what ever color, is always throwing those obstacles at all of us my friend. It never ends. The way a person deals with it determines their success. Nobody told you life was hard??

  4. Bill Cosby said it best himself  "Stop whining and get over it"

    DO something about it no one is stopping you.

    Oh :0) I agree

    Its sad when people can't answer a question so they attack the question asker. You know you understood the question regardless of the typos or grammar.. I mean really.

  5. Learn some grammar.

    I'm In advanced placement classes!  

  6. You should take your own advice and sign up for a English class. I'm a model, photographer and event planner don't need YOUR help.

  7. how can you quiz me at something when you can't even spell quiz right?  

  8. Racism in the work place does exist. Sports makes the white man MONEY...there success keeps the money flowing and the people buying tickets. Believe me, it's true.  

  9. Don't try and give out advice with ridiculous grammar.

    edit; i know exactly what you're implying but what i'm telling you is that a man with know legs should not teach someone how to sprint.

  10. it's spelled "grammar"!

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