
Black spoke covers for motorcycle?

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just bought a new sportster,i saw a bike at a show,the guy had black spoke covers on his wheels but i didnt get a chance to ask him where to buy.any ideas?





  1. save your money for engine repairs, oil, and icy hot...

    you're going to require dealer maint. every 53 miles...

    you're going to leak more oil than the valdeez...

    and the vibrations are going to shake parts you didn't know you had....

  2. Were they spoke covers?  Or steel wheels?

    Omething to consider is the effect a solid wheel has on stability in windy conditions.  Crosswinds are twice as difficult to manage with solid wheels....

    But they do look cool.

  3. Dis-assemble the wheels.

    Install "heat shrink tubing" on the spokes.

    Re-assemble the wheels.

    Heat shrink is thin walled tubing (as thin as a party balloon) that comes on spools (like spools of wire).

    Cut it to the desired length.

    When heat is applied, the tubing shrinks and conforms to whatever is inside of the tubing.

    It's used in electrical work - instead of taping up bare ends of wire after soldering, the shrink tubing will seal the bare wire in a water tight casing.

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