
Black spot on dogs rear end?

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I have a miniature schnauzer , he is 8 years old. He currently developed a black spot on his rear end. Im not sure what it is it has been there for about two weeks plus. The hair where the spot is fell off. He is also very irritated by it, he scoots on the carpet and scratches the area. So im not sure what to do. Does anyone know what this may be?




  1. bring him to the vet. might be an anal gland abscess that they have to treat. if not, his anal glands are definitely full if he is scooting on the carpet so bring him to the vet

  2. It could be the result of fleas, especially if he is scratching a lot. Check him over well and see if you can see any fleas. A good bath and some Frontline would help a lot.

  3. I'm not sure what it is, but any time your pet has an abnormal appearance, and especially if they seem to be in discomfort, you should take them to the vet.

  4. I think you should get him to the vet to be checked over it may be something or nothing but better to be safe than sorry

  5. take the dog to the vet. and hurry, that doesnt sound good

  6. Sounds like what my poodle got; a fungus infection. Take it to the vet. If it is a fungus of some sort, he can tell you what to buy for it, including ointments, and allergy medicine.

  7. kinda bug take it to the vet. its biting and irritating it. they will probably give yu medicine for it  

  8. It could be nerve damage but i don't know for sure.

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