
BlackHeads (Again) ):?

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i hate my blackheads! They're on my nose; & squeezing doesnt hedoesn't skin is normal; i have big pores though. My skin is tanned fair; pink cheeks. If that matters. If you have any home remedies or REALLY GOOD PRODUCTS i would be reallyyyyyyyy grateful (: thank you




  1. Try astringent and an exfoliator.

  2. sometimes honeyworks for me but do NOT get it in ure hair

  3. I use Clean & Clear Blackhead Clearing Scrub, it works for me.

  4. use a face wash with benzoly peroxide (at least 5% and no more than 10%). apply it to your face about 3-5 minutes after getting in a steamy shower. the steam will open your pores allowing the face wash to penetrate and more effectively do its job. also, make sure you are chugging the water and green tea, girl! and lay off the caffine because your body processes caffine the same way it processes stress which makes you break out. if you have red spots, ice them to reduce redness and inflamation, then follow with a cortizone lotion (this has a steriod that calms and soothes redness) good luck and i hope this helps!

    if you have the time & money, i reccomend a glycolic peel. they're absolutley perfect :)

  5. If you can stand the smell then try using apple cider vinegar.  It works perfectly for me, but good lord does it reek.  It can also be used as a toner.

  6. They is no way to rid black heads forever, its sad but true just exfoliate the spots then splash cold water to stop dir from getting in them.

    Honey helps some too.

  7. put rubbing alcohol only on your nose if your that worried about it

    but make sure you pop a few, and it'll go down

    i have black heads too. but if they are really bothering you, your grocery store could have black head strips. they work wonders. :]
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