
Blackberry Pearl Problems....?

by  |  earlier

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i woke up this morning, and all of my inbox messages were deleted, and i cannot type a phone number in on the home screen. every time i try to punch in a number, it takes me to previous pages, like when i moved around my icons, it would take me to a frozen page with the old arrangement of icons that i had, and i could only escape the frozen page by pressing the end call button. I have tried using the troubleshooting programs, but none of them address this problem.




  1. Call customer care and claim warranty

    they have to replace ur phone at no charge

    if its not physically damaged or water damaged

  2. Call customer service or take i to a retailer. They may have to wipe your device, deleting everything you have on it.

    I'm not sure, though.

    Take it in! =]

  3. Take it in to your local cell service office, see what they can do for you right away. Otherwise, call cust service and tell them what's going on. Sounds like, if you didn't damage it, it's crapped out. Sry.

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