
Blackberry...good idea? HELP!! :)

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im 15 and am looking for a new cell phone. is a blackberry a good idea? i dont need the business aspect...i just like the full key board and colors.




  1. Excellent idea, Blackberry Curve or the 8800 Series. Data Plan for non enterprise user is cheap as well EX. with At&t the unlimited data for email and internet is 30 bucks.


  2. i wanted a blackberry also and i was advised by att rep that the blackjack two was alot better and cheaper than the blackberry! I have a friend that has it and she hates it she says its way to confusing and harder to figure out when you want to sync it to the computer to add music or any media you wanted on the phone. My doctor also has it and i let her check out my blackjack 2 and she went and traded her phone in for a blackjack 2 and was much happier with it than the blackberry!  

  3. If you're looking for something with a full keyboard and colors, I would go with something else than a blackberry. They're made for the business aspect, and if the color and keyboard are all you're going for, you're going to be slightly disappointed. The phone has a lot of business features, including a blackberry messenger and corporate email services, that don't make it worth the price just to get it for the looks. I would try something simpler that also has a full keyboard, and get a skin if you can't find it in the right colors. I have a blackberry myself, and find that if I didn't have a reason to use the things a blackberry is made for, it would have been a waste of money.

    Especially at your age where you're getting a phone mostly for fun instead of for business or a job, you need to think about what you want and what you need, and go along those guidelines. Buying a phone because you like the looks could mean paying for something that you don't really need. And there are a lot of other really cool phones out there that don't have all the extra snazz you won't use.

  4. I would look into a more casual phone, especially one that is mp3 friendly and has other casual features.

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