
Blackberry or TREO?

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... and why?




  1. Well

    Treo has a touch screen, great user Interface and many free software apps and games out there for it. Also the web browser is easier to work with then the BB.

    Also Treos have the Best messenger for texting. Your text are viewed in a chat room format or IM. Compared to all other phone where you have to open the envelope and replay. With the treo you just jump back in the conversation and continue. and this is like this for all contacts. each contact has there on room. Cool huh. :)

    BB is cool because you can customize it more, like wallpaper, mp3 ringtones  (treo has it to, but you need minitones 'actuality minitones rocks')

    As well you can hide icons and get different themes for it.

    So the Treo is easier to work with and has many free apps over the BB and a great Messenger, but the BB has more of a customization feel to it.

    I my self love touch screen phones, i just wish you could do the customize feel like the BB.

  2. If you're looking for email functionality, BlackBerry is better due to the pushing of mail.  With a Treo, you have to tell it to check messages, the messages are automatically pushed to a BlackBerry.  Otherwise, it is a matter of personal preference.
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