
Blackberry tech question?

by  |  earlier

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This morning my phone was quite, which is wierd. Its my business line and it always rings all morning. Finally I decided to call one person who I had expeted to have called, and my phone said "radio disabled, enable now?" so I clicked yes and made the call. Then I get off the phone and I get a ton of voice mails because people had been calling me all day but my phone recieved nothing. Apparantley the phone was turned on but the cellular connection was turned off. WTF? How do I prevent it from ever doing that ridiculous c**p again?




  1. for  some reason  something happened  that  turned your  device off.  but  if  it  happens again  go to options/mobile network run a diagnostics test  it shld turn the radio back on

  2. On the BBs, if your battery runs low the phone automatically turns off the radio until you charge it.  Even after you charge it, the radio stays off.  Charge it until the light stops flashing green and dial a number (123 even).  it will primpt you to restore connections and the phone will work normally.

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