
Blackbird in shock but dosent look injured?

by  |  earlier

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we heard noise outside and a cat was trying to get at a bird we got the cat away and eventually got the bird from under the bush into a bow. its been left to get over the shock overnight (as the RSPCA reccommended) with water and some bread but iv just taken it out and altho it can open its wings and glide down when i let go of it it wont fly and shuffles under the bushes again.what can i do?i cant let it die!




  1. If you are worried take it to a wildlife rescue.  You should not put an injured animal outside if it has no chance of survival.  It needs to be rehabilitated. Use the link below

  2. Please don't take it to the vet, they really don't want to treat wild birds.Leave it alone , you may want to try to keep the cat at bay but in the end you must leave it to nature to sort out.If its strong enough to survive all good and well, if not, so be it.

  3. Get the bird to a local wildlife rehab if you are able to capture him again..if it actually has a wound from the may have become infected as cats carry a lot of bacteria in their saliva.

    This bird may need to be put on a course of antibiotics.  Also, you should consider keeping your cat indoors where it will not harm native wildlife.  Not only will it be safer for the birds, but safer for your cat as well.  Look here for a rehab near you:

  4. keep it indoors with more water and feed it meal worms if you can get hold of some and give it a few days

  5. You can either take it to a vet and let them handle it, or you can just keep giving it bird food and stuff, and in a few days, I bet he will be good. I don't think it would just die. If something else attacked it, it would fly away. If you poke it a little after a few days and he's still there, I would take him to a vet.

  6. You must leave it alone....I think you should have left it in the first place. Hassling it will make it more stressed....just make sure that the cat doesn't get to it again.

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