
Blackhead Question...plz help.?

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okk...i wanna kno how i can get rid of blackheads in less than a week...plz help




  1. Use Biore black head remover strips. You can find them at Walmart or walgreens

  2. I use Clean & Clear oxygenating facial scrub that you can buy at walmart or target and it really does work great for blackheads. I used to have one that jsut wouldnt go away and i used this and now its completely gone. I am in love with this product. I used biore deep cleansing pore strips but they sucked and they hurt when you pulled them off, too soo dont get those xP

  3. this always works for me, and you don't even need to spend any money!

    Fill quite a large bowl full of boiling hot water out of the kettle, put a towel over your head and put your head over the bowl for about half an hour (remove any makeup before doing this)

    It's just like a spa facial; the hot steam opens up your pores and cleans them out

    Then after approx. half an hour splash your face with ice cold water, then pat dry

    This closes the pores quickly and stops dirt and grime clogging them up

    It gets rid of blackheads, and drys up any oily spots within like 2 days and after a few days everything is gone!


  4. nose/pore strips, you idiot.

    EDIT: You're annoyingly posting your question on other people's questions. No rude comments...? Comments can be good or bad. I don't care for best answers.

  5. ok first of all think about what you eat? your diet has alot to do with the appearence of the skin,ever hear the saying "you are what you eat"? yeh? well eating greasey foods like chips and handburgers wont help for a start,im not saying dont eat them im just saying watch what you eat because the more salt and grease that is in your food the worse your skin is going to get!,secondly blackheads(comedones) are produced by to much serum in the skin (greas),that doesnt mean im telling you to go grab the soap and scrubb eather!(lol) soap is the wors thing you could use on the skin! use astringents like witch-hazel to soak up the excess moisture,also cleanse,tone and moisturise,with water baised products,if it says oil based steer clear!!,having a weekly mask would help,and if u use make up again cleans,tone moisturise before and after you take it off,alos water baised make up products!,you can also buy clearasel and blemish sticks-ther good also!! goodluck,wright back if you need anymore advice x*x

  6. pore strips

    get them at rite aid

  7. i don't know for sure depends on the person.  try head over steaming water tamp dry and put a good exfoliating mask on  should work

  8. well...i used to have a lot of blackheads and acne but i started giving my face a facial mask and it started clearing up. this is what i have used:

    --(You should wear this mask for overnight)

    • 1 Tbsp. of toothpaste

    • 3 Tbsp. of lemon juice

    • 1 tsp. of body wash

    • 2 Tbsp. of water

    • 2 tsp. of honey

    • 1/2 tsp. of baking soda

    -- This one works for skin mostly for acne and blackhead prone skin. It worked for me maybe it will work for you too.. (it's easy)

    • 1/2 tooth paste

    • 1/2 water, add more if not creamy

    • regular lotion

    • grated apples

    • baking soda

  9. use the clean&clear backhead clearing srub. i use to wash my face two to three times a  day and it works.

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