
Blacklight party?

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I'm having a blacklight party.

I will have only 100 glowsticks. and i'm putting up black sheets to make the room darker.

I have a limited amount of space for blacklights, in fact, i will only be able to use 2 blacklights, because i only have to desk lamps availble.

I am on a VERY LIMITED budget.

Please, tips!




  1. girl, go to the thrift store!

    They have a whole bunch of stuff with extremely low prices. Seriously, check it out. Or go to a jard sale.

    Can you borrow some lamps from your friends?

    good luck good luck

  2. 99 CENT STORE!!


  3. Ask your friends for spme blacklights. My 14th birthday party was a rave/glow party, and i found out that alot of my friends had alot of blacklights, strobelights, glowsticks, and everything! and at wallmart, they sell blacklights for 5 dollars! ya know the ones with the really long skinny lightbulbs? ya. and they work really well! plus u can hang them on the walls with a thumb tack, or nail, or whatever you prefer.

    plus the darker the room, the better. get a few strobe lights, and youll have to best party ever!

    don't forget refreshments!!!

  4. The UV (blacklight) fluorescent tubes and fixtures will output more blakclight, as apposed to little incandescent 60watt bulbs, so don't waste your money on the bulbs.

    Get 2 Fixtures, around 24-48watts would be ideal on the tube, and put one on each end of the room, up high, shooting downward toward the center.

    You will get major UV (blacklight) coverage.

    The rest of the blacklight reactive "stuff" is up to you, but fluorescent body paints would be fun in there! ;)

  5. 5 below has MASSIVE cases of glow bracelets, necklaces earrings etc! you could make a curtian out of them... i think i got 48 glow necklaces for 5 dollars it was awseome

  6. Have a BYOB party -- Bring Your Own Bulb.  When my roommates and I moved into our new place back in college, we had... only the light fixtures provided in the apartment... and no bulbs.  We asked our friends to bring a lamp and a black bulb in it.  We set them around here and there, had all our white bed sheets covering areas that were not already white (like the staircase and the fireplace).  

    As for the glowsticks, I would go with the kind that you can twist and make into a necklace.  100 of them cost the same as 5-10 of the regular stick ones and then your friends can put them around their necks or on their head like a crown.  You can find some good ones here:

    Hope that helps you out and that you have a great party!
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