
Blacks in America; More social programs for them or not?

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Blacks in America; More social programs for them or not?




  1. HE****** NO!!!!!! Since there are a disproportionate number of Blacks living in poverty NO!!!  I live in a area which is not well served by social programs, there are less after school programs, less social programs, less places for our kids to go after school or for our teens to hang out that are safe and nice. I provided a lot of the places for the girls in the area to go when I was a Scout Leader each year when I would call for girls who wanted to join the scouts I had as many as 100 girls and we had to because we couldn't get enough parents turn almost half away.  These kids really looked forward to the two hours that we met each week because there was no place else for them to go.  We besides the church were the only place where they could go.  There are a lot of homless people in this area and children who are on Social service. We  have a school of about 900 children because there hasn't been a new school built in this area for about 40 years.  But you go into White areas and there are school being built.  Our student population changes by about 300 students between Sept and Jan and than the same between Jan and June.  Why because these children are in foster care and they are getting shuttled from one foster home to another. If they were from a more affluent home and their parents had problems, the Child's Service Agency would be more likely to live them home and work with the parents to make the changes.  Social Services????? Heck I don't think so.

  2. Definitely yes!  We owe black people bigtime.  We screwed them royally during slavery.  We screwed them royally during the Jim Crow era.  And, despite the civil rights laws passed in the 1960s, racism is alive and well in America and we are still continuing to s***w them.

    This problem will continue into the indefinite future, despite the bullshit our spinmeisters lay on us about being in a post-racist society.

    Harleigh Kyson Jr.

  3. yep...not about giving my tax money away either...there are lots of resources and since this is addressing race, I might as well say what about white resources? or hispanic resources? or asian resources?!?!?!?! why is it always about african american "programs"?!?!

    we all know if someone started a white "social program" that would be "racist" and would cause riots haha

  4. you mean social programs that would give more of my tax dollars away? yeah im gonna have to say no

  5. No, it does not help.  Just pouring our money down the drain.

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