
Blacks neglecting "racism"?

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I am in no way a racist but... are blacks abusing the fact that they were enslaved over 100 yrs ago? They have affirmative action, BET, Ebony magizine, among other things. If whites were to do this, acusations of racism and images of the KKK/ n***s would flood the media... If (and most likely, when) Obama gets elected President, do you think anything would change? Thanks for all the answers!




  1. um..ok im black so im going to display my defense on your subject..what you're saying is that getting lynched, whipped, beaten for no reason, forced to do hard labor without pay, getting sold away from your family and probably never seeing your family again isnt that big of a deal because it happened over 100 years ago wow thats some ignorant **** you just said their and people recognize the holocaust but we cant recognize how bad slavery was imagine having to always know how much your race was hated bak then how we were called stupid and called trash and to still go through life accepting what happened and getting over it cuz it was so long you have no clue wut youre talking about and whites have made accusations about different races throughout history man so get your ******* facts straight

  2. I can only assume that you are not black. Before you speak bullshit try being black for a few months. We separate ourselves because your wonderful white people don't want us working in their companies, marrying your children and tainting the white gene pool, don't want to serve us in restaurants, and they certainly don't want us on their TV screens unless we die in the first five minutes, are the supporting acting folk, or are very light skinned. You can actually count the amount of dark skinned entertainers on two hands. In case you didn't notice your TV is filled with blond women and LOOOOOOOOTTTTSSSSS of white men. PLEASE don't deny it it's obvious for everyone to see.    

    So yeah we have our own effin' station, if you have a problem I'm sure you can get some of your Klan friends to shut it down. NO WE DO NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE FACT THAT WE WERE SLAVES A HUNDRED YEARS AGO.  You reeeeeeeaaaaaaallllllyyyyy neeeeeed to not speak about this subject again until you read some books and watch some videos about this subject. For example

  3. I think it's important to remember that no individual or group of people can speak for their race.  Not all Black people want or ask for race-based programs, and not all of them feel like they benefit from them either.  Furthermore, the people who do believe in those programs and special interest things are addressing the legacy of slavery, not just the historic institution.  Things didn't become magically equal after the freedom of the slaves or desegregation (which was not as long ago as we like to believe), and there are still many instances of subtle prejudice and discrimination.  We can't help but internalize this culture's racial hierarchy, even if we don't personally believe it to be valid.  

    I think it's great that Obama is trying to talk to the Americans as intelligent, equality-minded people, because the only way that real equality will happen is by the joint efforts of people of all races.  But even in the most perfect society, there will always be people (of all races) believing that they are not treated fairly and demanding more.

  4. There are several answers for this question. But to get your mind churning here is a little something for you to chew on.

    White people treated them very badly, so in turn, they learned to stay away from us. They know there could be a bad side in all white people because of what our past generations have passed down in reguards to attitude towards their race. I always say-racism breeds racism in reverse.

  5. That's a bit of a generalization, but some, like all ethnicities exploit their history. There is a bit of a double standard about displaying ethnic pride in the US, minorities are able to do so but whites aren't. This is a result of the stigmas that have arisen from groups celebrating white pride such as the Neo-n***s and the KKK. This stigma is unlikely to go away quickly.

    Affirmative action, as well as things that are similar are created to aid minorities in something that is still relatively discriminatory. I don't personally think this is taking advantage of black history. Keep in mind, Martin Luther King was only a major figure fourty years ago. And even after his death, racism didn't start really turning around until about the 1980's. People who felt the financial and discriminatory effects from that time period are still alive, and that provides a setback for their generations.

    I'm not sure what will happen with Obama, it's impossible to tell at this point. He seems like he would support the progression of minorities, and improving problems within their communities that hold them back.

    All races have some groups that exploit their past, but keep in mind there are many people in the black community that disagree with that kind of thing. The essential difference comes when people not only celebrate their culture and history, but berate others in the process.

  6. Holy Hostility Batman.

    You've managed to upset some folks, eh?

    I tend to agree with most everything Jamal said....

    With the addition that I'm not going to feel guilty for being born white. I'm tired unto death of seeing people try that...

  7. im black aswell and i totally agree with you , we are all eqaul , thats wat the bible teaches and i cant stand the word ***** and all sorts of these remarks and yes black people and even some white wannabe  people will get offened if a there were programmes for white people! i mean geeze yes things happend in the past but its all history and its important too but we should NOT HAVE THESE SORT OF INDIVIDUAL PHRASES THAT WE CAN ONLY SAY TO BLACK PEOPLE AND NOT ONLY HAVE THESE PROGRAMMES FOR BLACK PEOPLE WHY??? BECAUSE EVERYONE IS EQUAL ! REGARDLESS OF WHAT RACE THEY ARE! I hope all black people read this comment ! and i hope they agree also

  8. some people are, but it is almost racist in its self to class it as "black people" in general, yes some are but so are also some white people so basically some people are som people aren't. Be carefull what you say as it may offend people.

  9. THANK YOU!!!!!!! LIKE HOLY SHlT!!!!! (didnt mean to swear, but i just needed to get that point across)



    like if an asian person says ni99a people will think theyre racist!!

    Truth is, they didnt have ANYTHING to do with it.. LIke HOLY c**p!!! DROP IT ALREADY!!!

    actually i take that back. the worst part is people act like if it happened to THEM personally.. i mean i can understand 1 or 2 generations after the slaves, but like CMON!!! WE'RE IN THE 21ST CENTURY ALREADY JEEZ!!

    ya i completely agree with you.. obviously its not everyone, but defenitely a big percentage of people. and its not only "black" people doing it.

  10. Slavery happened longer than 100 years... 400+, and it happened in more places than just North America. And yes, it was a devastating thing. There was more to it than people being made to work for free. The slaves were taken from their land, stripped of their culture, language, and every other thing humans have a right to, and take for granted. Families were split up, people were killed, lynched, (over little petty S**t) just so the people around them would "know their place".

    The slaves were made to feel that "white is right", and that mentality still exists. That's why a lot of Black people, especially women, look down on nappy hair (which is how Black hair naturally is) - getting perms and dyes to look other than themselves. That's why people whose hair straightens easily are said to have "good hair". These are all parts of black inferiority complexes - passed down from generation to generation.

    And don't look at the Civil Rights (60's) and Black Power (70's) movements as the answer to all of our problems. Yes they helped, but were not the "end-all" of racism, bigotry, sexism, etc. in America. The leaders of these movements were systematically killed (look up Fred Hampton, and John Africa), locked up (look up Mumia Abu-Jamal, and Huey P. Newton), and the list goes on. J. Edgar Hoover (director of the CIA during the 60's and 70's) even went as far as to have millions of dollars of heroin and other drugs sent to major cities, targeting neighborhoods where black organizations were influential. And if you take into account that this was a time when a lot of soldiers were coming back from Vietnam, with disabilities, PTS, etc. its easy to see how drugs were able to have a devastating affect on the community. (This is important because drugs have always been present in the black community, but they had never had the effects that we see today, to this degree - especially since Ronald Ragaen and the Iran-Contra Affair.)

    And even though they were wrong to a degree - the Jena 6 case, as well as what happened (and what's happening) in NO are clear examples, with a modern context.

    BET is in no way anywhere near a positive thing. All it does is help to spread stereotypes, and self-hatred. Affirmative Action is in no way a end-all solution either.

    I could go on and on, I can't even cover everything without almost witting a book. But the main thing is that they were broken down mentally, for generations. No we're not physically in chains anymore, but the mental affects of 400+ years of that bullshit still exists, and yes, it does still have an affect. That's just like if you abuse a child, or if someone goes through a traumatic experience, that child/person will still be affected mentally by those events well after they have been removed from the situation. And yes, there are a lot of black people who play the race card, and have no idea what they're talking about.

    No the "race card" does not apply to every situation, and no black people are not totally innocent (as we see today).

    It may not look like it from your point of view, but there is way more going on than what it appears. Just because people aren't calling us "ni99er" to our faces, or killing us out in the open (outside of police officers) anymore doesn't mean that racism doesn't exist. And no, racism is not THE problem, but it is A problem. The main problem is classism - sexism, ageism, racism, etc. are all related to, and a result of, classism.

    Self-Hate - Black Doll/White Doll experiment:

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