
Bladder Infection Question!!!! PLEASE HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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I am low income, no insurance,so seeing a doctor is not really an option for me.

I have been experiencing painful urination, and it comes like every 5 minutes, but only a few drops.

I know one of the symptoms is blood in the urine, but the past 3 imes there has been blood clots, smaller than a dime each time.

Is this normal in bladder infections, or could something else be wrong with me?




  1. You definitely need to see a could go to the emergency room or planned parenthood if your state has one or a clinic too! Planned parenthood is free & it has real doctors. It could be a UTI or it could be pyelonephritis which involves blood getting into the kidneys. other symptoms of that are pain in your lower back below the rib cage & above the waist(flank pain), Fever & nausea or vomiting.  

  2. seriously, you should check out a clinic at either walgreens or CVS.

    they charge like $59 for most services, and if you ask, maybe they can do a payment plan if you explain your circumstances.

    that sure doesn't sound normal.  you need antibiotics.  good luck!

  3. Yes with bladder infections there may be blood.  With these kinds of things there really is no at home remedy.  You have to take antibiotics in order for the infection to go away completely.  Drink lots of water and cranberry juice in the meantime and also take Azo.  You should find this in the pharmacy.  This will only help with discomfort, but I really think you should see a doctor.  If you don't have any insurance but is low income why don't you try for medicaid.  Having something is better than nothing or if your in college most schools have health centers where you pay a small fee.  Let the md know your situation and they'll give you a rx for low costs generic meds

  4. it sounds like a urine infection to me but if you are passing blood clots an have a fever then you have an infection in you kidneys and its very serious you can suffer organ failure or severley damadge your kidneys you need to get to a dr or hospital asap, blood clots are definantly not a good sign

  5. If you have an UTI and you are seeing blood you are about to have kidney involvement and this is very dangerous. You may be having GYN related issues besides UTI issues which you are definitely having. UTI s left untreated will worsen and will effect your kidneys. You will have to bite the bullet and at least go to the ER. Never, ever mess around with such an infection your kidneys are precious.

  6. usually we just see a microscopic hematuria,not sounds like your infection is pretty severe.If the infection is mild,I recommend to take a lot of water as you can basically wash off the bugs,but in this case you'd better take medication.

  7. I used to get Urinary Tract Infections all the time. Some to the point of urinating blood. There is no way this is just going to get better on it's's way past that point.

    You have to go to the doctor. You CANNOT let it get to your will get a fever and vomiting....which can result to death =(

    Please please please see your doctor. Something that can help tonight is something called "Cystex"'s a numbing medication you can find at any pharmacy. It also has something in there that will help the infection for it not to get worse [not curing it, just helping it not spread]. Please please please see a doctor.

  8. Find a county hospital in your area and go to them, they will see you without insurance. If the blood is visible in your urine, that is NOT good. that needs to be taken care of. Usually the blood is microscopic. So if you are seeing it get it checked out IMMEDIATLY, could be more than just a bladder infection. Also, I flush my body out with cranberry and lemon juice. and lots of water. They do sell over the counter pills for your bladder, but again of you are seeing blood

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