
Bladder Problems? Whats wrong?

by Guest55595  |  earlier

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OK i sort of have a bladder issue. i have to pee like all the time (exaggerating) but i do have to go VERY often. more than normal. i annoys my family when were on road trips and we have to stop at least 5 times per trip.

what is wrong?




  1. You could have just a bladder infection cuz they do that to ya sometimes or you could have an over active bladder.  Both are easy to fix just have to take some pills.

  2. Here are several reasons for overactive bladders:

    1) Diabetes

    do you eat a lot of sugar?  be careful, frequent pee-trips are a starting sign that you may be diabetic.

    2) Bladder infection/Urinary tract infection

    Do you also experience burning when you pee?  This may mean you have a bladder infection.


    Women who are pregnant have to pee A LOT.

    4)Excessive intake of fluid

    Have you been drinking more liquid than usual lately?  Or sweating less?

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