
Bladder infection at 14 weeks pregnant??!! HELP!?

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So i'm just about 14 weeks pregnant and almost 100% positive i have a bladder infection, considering i've had them before. Anyways, what can I take or do?? I called the doc and she acted i should go to urgent care if it gets bad because it can turn into a kidney infection, anybody have any experience with this or have had this happen to you? Tell me your stories




  1. I think your Doc needs to do a urine test and if you have a bladder infection to give you antibiotics because it can cause you to miscarry due to aggravation of the uterus and bladder. Just wondering why you are not seeking treatment for a possible bladder infection and you are 14 weeks pregnant?

  2. Yes Bladder infections are actually pretty common in pregnancy and can infect your kidneys and cause preterm labor.

    I just delivered my second child in April of this year and when I had one my doctor told me they can get pretty serious and it should be treated right away, that is why they check your urine at each visit to make sure you are infection free.

    Congrats on your pregnancy,hope this helps!!!

  3. UTI and Bladder infections become more common in pregnancy. The only thing that will make it go away is anti biotics, so your doctor was right, you need to be seen to get a perscription before it gets worse. I always went to the ER, they gave me anti biotics through an IV, and a perscription to take once I got home. Hope you feel better!

    Also, cranberry juice, or if you dont like the taste, they actually make some kind of cranberry pills. But anti biotics are going to be better. Infections can cause pre term labor, it made me go into pre term labor with my first son. I was scared to death.

  4. ahhh trust me girl, i know what youre going through. i have had three so far in 30 weeks, although i never went to urgent care for it.

    cranberry juice will be your best bet, i promise. i have taken it all three times and it cleared up within a couple days. it cleanses your system and doesnt taste that bad either. ive made it a regular part of my diet.

    try it out. i hope it helps :)

  5. Go to the doctor!

    I am on macrobid right now for one. I one night showed up in L&D because I thought I may be in labor - I was having contractions but they were not changing my cervix (yet). I had to stay overnight and be given IV antibiotics because I had a UTI that had no symptoms.

    UTIs during pregnancy can be dangerous because they can lead to preterm labor (UTIs irritate the uterus). I've been 100% better since I've been on the macrobid.

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