
Bladed Nunchuks?

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I made my own homemade bladed steelchucks 2 years ago. But I feel these knives are rather too small.

I wonder if It is possible to master the ability of handling nunchucks with large curved blades implanted onto the 2 ends.

Also, will anyone give any ideas to contruct one like that?

........... The blades are a bit like the bladed edges of a Kusarigama ( Look it up if you wish).

Don't worry about injuries. I've been doing nunchucks for over 5 years only to wack myself on the head 26 times since the beggining......^_^




  1. I want sharks with freaking laser beams attached to their freaking heads!

    No but seriously, this is not only a bad idea but ridiculously dangerous and unnecessary.

  2. Is this question for real? Where is the youtube video?

  3. I wouldn't recommend it. Catching it the wrong way under your arm could cut and artery and kill you very quickly. At least leave one end of the nuchucks without blades so you won't cut the arm your holding with.

  4. its dangerous to put blades on the ends of nunchuks

  5. make sure you video yourself using them, and also the trip to the hospital, then post it on youtube and provide the link here so we can have a laugh and see what a tard does in his spare time.

  6. bladed nuchuks?  SWEEET!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Is it possible to master using such nunchaku? Possibly, after a lot of stitches and hospital trips...

    However, in what possible scenario would you be able to have those? You obviously can't just carry them around with you, so every day protection is out... trying to fumble with them in the dead of night because of an intruder is out, you are more likely to cut and gouge yourself up in the process, not to mention how little it would effective in a hall, or small space, and someone with a gun would just shoot you.

    Also keep in mind, there were plenty of blacksmiths and bladesmiths back in the day, and people who did use nunchaku on the field of battle didn't implement blades or hooks on them for a reason.

    Bah! Why am I telling you all this, you don't care you just want to think you are cool.... good luck finding your future manglers..
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