
Blair witch project is it real or fake i want 2 know tell me now please i want 2 know now ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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is it real or is it a myth i just saw the movie and i am scared a little........what do u think tell me please




  1. No it is not. Never happened. They decided to make a homemade movie based on the the recent stories of some of the more famous myths such as the Mothman, the Jersey Devil, and the like. The Blair Witch was a made up version for the area they lived in and tried to make it as real as possible. There is thousands of new videos from around the world that have come about afterwards. Many you can look up in youtube. Is it real or is it fake is the question on everyones minds when they see something so realistic, but with computer generated imagry and camera location, you will never know and will have to experience these things for yourself. One such video is The Ghost Girl Car Crash on you tube that came out last year This video was debunked but it looks real good. Most of these types of films have been debunked over the last few years. You really have to see to believe anymore. But who doesn't still want to prove that ghosts and creatures do exist? I love that kind of stuff.

  2. FAKE

  3. Grow up. Is as fictional as the "Looney Tunes" cartoons, At least the "Looney Tunes" cartoons are more honest.

  4. Although the germ of the idea is based on a real legend, the movie IN AND OF ITSELF is fake; just a good piece of storytelling

  5. It is just a movie.

    Fiction (which means "didn't really happen").

  6. where have you been...this movie is soo OLD!!!! that is so like late 90's :)'s FAKE....

    Besides being scared..did you at least enjoy the movie....

  7. I think that the myth was real but the movie itself was not real.  I think it was a bunch of college students who did it as a project and then ended up making a ton of money off of it.  And it was a fantastic movie indeed.  Hope you enjoyed it, and don't be too scared. You shouldn't be scared as long as you dint go looking for evil.  

  8. Fake movie...also a bad one

  9. Nah it's fake.  There were SAS soldiers out there hiding in the bushs and stuff.  Like they would camp out at night time and make all these noises and leave things around like those creepy stick men dangling in the trees.  It was one big joke.  It's fake they made it up just to make it look real.

  10. It's okay to question weather it was real or not....a lot of people were just as scared as you and didn't know the truth either! However, it is a fictional (a story) movie...but the The Blair Witch is a legend in Burkittsville, Maryland.

    In the winter of 1785,several local children accused the reclusive outcast,Elly Kedward of performing black magic and using their blood to prove her accusations true against an illness she thought existed in the area.She was later banned to the woods,tied against a tree, blindfolded,and left for dead under one of the harshest winters on record.But when nearly half of the town vanished a year later,people questioned her ability of withstanding the severe season. People later migrated to a neighboring town and dubbed her the 'Blair Witch.'

    Eileen Treacle

    In 1825, a year after the town was rediscovered and founded as Burkittsville, the villagers held the first annual Wheat Harvest Picnic. During the picnic, ten-year-old Eileen Treacle wandered off towards Tappy East Creek and drowned. Eleven eye-witnesses claimed to have seen a ghostly white hand reach up and pull her into the shallow water. Her body was never found, and for thirteen days afterward, the creek became contaminated with oily bundles of sticks, rendering the water useless.

    Townspeople noted the possible supernatural characteristics of the Treacle disappearance and were quick to blame the death on the Blair Witch.

    Robin Weaver

    In 1886, eight-year-old Robin Weaver alledgedly followed a woman who's feet didn't touch the ground into a house the woods. A search party was dispatched, but while Robin later returned, the search party didn't. A second search party found the group disemboweled at Coffin Rock. When they returned to the site with help, the bodies had vanished without a trace.

    Rustin Parr

    In late 1940, a hermit named Rustin Parr began abducting children from Burkittsville. He kidnapped eight children total and brutally murdered seven of them, letting Kyle Brody go. Parr confessed to the crimes in May of 1941, claiming he was doing what an old lady ghost told him. Parr was convicted and hanged later that year.

    Hope this helps.....

  11. Fake. They admitted it a long time, ago, the actors who appeared in it (and died in it) have since done other projects.  

  12. Absolutely real... don't go out in the woods alone.... & if you do bring your video camera.

  13. I don't understand these questions on the Blaire Witch Project. I seem to remember years ago when I seen it that there was a disclosure on the DVD. They revealed how the movie was made. They did not tell the actors all that they were planning so that they would show real emotions during the movie. They also went to random people and used friends and relatives.  This is all on the DVD.

  14. haha that's a good movie.....the movie itsself is pretty old, and its fake. however....

    it was based on the fact that way back when those woods were considered haunted by some evil witch...and yes, 3 or 4 or however many teens there were did get lost in those woods and were never found, they did tape it and the only thing found was there videocamera lost in some old ruin. it was badly damaged but they watched the parts that hadnt been ruined and based a movie off of it. creepy, right?

  15. It was a movie that was made that became somewhat of a cult classic.  There are people who thing that those kids died out in the woods, but the truth is that they are all alive and have gone on to do other things with film as well.  The Blair Witch Project is a story for a movie.

  16. Entirely fictional!!

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