
Blair witch project questions?

by Guest59284  |  earlier

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please dont send me a link about the movie

i know what the movies about but i dont get it

they all three die in the end yet if you search them

on there all alive?

were they portreying characters that happened to

or was the movie a big fake?




  1. It was fake.  It was a big hype when I was highschool, I watched it thinking it was real, then came home and watched the characters on leno.

  2. Can I ask one question?

    What is the blair witch project about..

    I've heard its true and I've always wanted to watch it


  3. the movie was fake. It just had really good advertising gimmicks. The legend of the witch is real, but the movie is complete fiction. A fact that actually angered alot of people who thought it was real when they paid to see it.

  4. Yes it was just a film and not a very  good one at that

  5. it was promoted as being based on a true story proclaiming the footage we see is the footage actually found in the woods. Then after the movie was released it was discovered it was actually based on a legend meaning it is a big fat FAKE!!


    Those were actors. It's only a movie. And yes, it's ALL FAKE!!! That place doesn't exist. The Blair Witch is made up for the movie, etc. etc. You really made me laugh today. I can't believe someone actually thought those actors died. Didn't you see them on TV on the "red carpet" when the movie came out? OMG...thanks for the laugh...that was great. Heather Donahue has been in lots of stuff since then.

    Now, go watch Blair Witch's good too...the lead actor is Jefferey Donovan from the hit series Burn Notice.  

  7. im pretty sure they were portraying.

    but i myself didnt like that movie.

  8. The movie never happened it was fake.

  9. the whole thing was a movie the directer sent three colledge kids into the forrest with a few tips on what to do to make everything look realistic. the people had a gps system and were never in any danger. on the website the interveiws were just another part of the movie basically. very well done right? it was fairly beleivible.

    check out this site it's the whole truth behind the blair witch project.

  10. The movie was designed to appear as if it were a home movie.  It is not real......

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