
Blame, or Privilage?

by Guest10896  |  earlier

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which do you think is distributed more evenly, among white people?




  1. privilege, esp. in america.  i would have to pick privilege over blame because, often they are not blamed for there actions.

    as well as other races but, way more common in the white race.

    for example they partially blame murders committed by white teens on music, spirits, alcohol.  

    instead of just saying they ****** up.

    however the president of the united states has a c average.

    and not to mention that ivy league schools are almost packed with caucasian, with the exceptional asian and african american peppered into the crowd.

    not even mentioning finical and living status differences.

    privilege over blame.

  2. i think theyre both about equal

    most of the time people even get blamed for their privilages

    and how come youre singling out white people from every other race?

  3. Blame. It seems that most people are far more willing to cast blame for their shortcomings on the shoulders of others rather than looking in a mirror. It's a serious societal issue. We have helicopter parents even going to colleges and running intervention for their own kids failure to achieve passing grades. There have even been stories of people's parents going to interviews or intervening in job disputes. It used to be that when you graduated from high school, you were considered an adult and expected to behave as such. Now people seem to want to linger in childhood and blame others for their lack of success. It's very sad.
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