I'm an American living in Austria. I'm not sure if racism works differently over here or not. But, I had a situation happen today that simply blew my mind.
I was picking my daughters up from school and when I came out I heard a commotion going on. I saw my daughter's friend Adam standing there with this sad look on his face while some kid named Karl was yelling insults at him.
Adam is 8 years old, comes from Africa, and is a really sweet kid. Karl was yelling the "N" word at him, calling him a monkey, and saying that when he grew up that he would make little monkey babies.
The other kids standing around got the message. They were all yelling at Karl "What are you..crazy?" I thought Adam was going to cry so, I went right over to him and said "Honey, what is going on? Why is that kid saying that stuff to you?" Adam was totally overwhelmed and just shrugged his shoulders.
So, I marched into school and got the first teacher I could find and told her what was going on. Continued...