
Bleach Question: after rukia is saved fom the sokyakou how come she doesn't use her zanpaktou?

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and is also in her gigai form, and returns to the world of the lving, and how to she leave her gigai??




  1. Remember...she lost her powers when she gave them to Ichigo. She is slowly getting her powers back and it will be a while before she can use her full powers. Rukia is powerful at full, you should see her fight.

  2. Because rukia gave her powers away to ichigo at the very beginning of the series, becoming somewhat mortal, and doesn't recover until later in the series.  

  3. Well, what follows the whole soul society event in the anime is a filler story about Bounts. In the original Manga, Rukia stays in the Soul Society for a while, but returns, fully powered, after Aizen starts attacking.

    Basically, the makers of the anime don't want to mess around too much with the original storyline and have her reveal her true powers too early.

  4. because rukia was weak after giving ichigo her powers she didnt recover till the hueco mundo arc then she could use her shikai and about her gegai i have no clue ichigo just seems to dump his body anywhere and run away, wonder why noones reported a dead body lying in random places.

  5. As far as I remember, they don't explain it in the anime. And this might be a bit of a spoiler.

    Kisuke Urahara was once a captain of Soul Society, part of the 13 Court Guards. When he became Captain, he was also promoted to 'Chief of the Research and Development Department' He developed illegal items, one of which is the Hogyoku, which is what Aizen stole right before he went off with the Hollows. It allows a Shinigami and a hollow to bond into one being. Another item was an untracable gigai, which is how he is able to be in the real world and own his own shop as Mr. Hat and Clogs. He is in a gigai that nobody in Soul Society can track or figure out he is a soul reaper.

    He chose Rukia to dispose of his horrible mistake of making the Hogyoku. He gave her a special gigai, not only one that is untracable but one that sucks out a Soul Reapers spiritual energy. He then sealed the Hogyoku inside Rukia's soul. His plan was to not tell her that her gigai was special, and to let it keep sucking out her spiritual energy until she became a normal human and the Hogyoku could not be taken from her. It helped that she transfered half of her powers to Ichigo, but the gigai was already sucking out her spiritual energy, and kept doing it before she was captured. Once she was captured, she was kept in a special tower than continued to suck out her spiritual energy (in case she really was a bad guy and decided to try to escape) So she was pretty much tapped out. If she had not been captured and had been in the special gigai Urahara gave her, she'd be a normal girl and Aizen would not have the Hogyoku, which is why Aizen pulled some strings and made sure she was seen as a criminal and captured and taken out of the gigai. You can't be in a gigai in Spul Society, so he knew if he made her a criminal, they would capture her and take her out of the gigai so that he could take the Hogyoku. Once Aizen's plan was revealed and the Hogyoku was taken, Urahara gave Rukia a regular Gigai and her powers slowly recover. I don't watch the dub, but Rukia joins in the fight in the Bounto Arc, so if she hasn't already, stay tuned because she will be a regular Soul Reaperl ike all her friends

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