Okay, so about 2months ago I was dying my hair very dark brown, and have been for the past year. But 2months ago I stopped and left my hair for a month to grow out a bit, I want my hair blonde, so I was advised to lighten it, and then bleach it with 40vol peroxide, I have done that.. The lightener made my roots very light and the ends dark red. I then bleached it (a week later) and it has evened out a bit, my hair is much lighter but still a gingery colour. It's been 2 weeks since I last bleached, and I did it again last night and it's remained exactly the same... So it's like the bleach has just stopped working.. What can I do / use to continue lightening my hair? (my hair is still in very good condition so PLEASE don't say "go so a salon" or "dont do it") I like in the UK... should I get a toner? Bleach it again? What helps lighten hair?