
Bleach on black shirt!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I accidentally spilt a little bit a bleach on my black shirt and it left a stain. please please help me, i love this shirt, what do i do?




  1. buy some black dye its called rid!!!!

  2. Sorry, but the rid they are writing about won't work. You'll have to just have to throw it away. I know from experience.

  3. Hi, I have done this many times. I also have tried to dye it but it comes out in the wash.  So, sorry but you must use it for a rag now.

  4. Bleach doesn't leave stains, it takes the dye out. If you want to re-dye it use double the amount of dye for dark colours. I think it's best to use colour remover first, they also come in packages like Rit, then you can re-dye it black or any colour. Hope it works.

  5. Get out a black sharpie.  Or buy a black fabric pen.  Less hassle than trying to dye it and if it washes out, less hassle to just apply more.

  6. dye it

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